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Dean came out of the shower, dressed in a tank top and some sweatpants. He was drying his hair with a towel. He was tired since it was late. His eyes landed on Sam, who was sitting at the table in the motel room they were in. Sam looked pretty frustrated with his homework. He sighed gently, noticing Dean standing there. "Nice shirt."

Dean chuckled softly. "Shut up. You need help?"
"No... yes." Sam sighed softly.
He let Dean come and sit beside him. Dean picked up Sam's math worksheet, scoffing. "The hell is this?"

"I don't know. I'm so tired." Sam yawned, laying his head on his arms on the table.

Dean chuckled a bit at that. He worked on Sam's homework for him. When he was done, he noticed Sam was fast asleep. He picked Sam up gently, laying him in bed. Dean kissed his head, covering him up.

Sam stirred, looking at Dean. "Thanks, Dean."
"No problem, Sammy." Dean smiled.

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