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Word count : 300
Sam had been sitting in the motel room alone for 2 weeks. He missed Dean deeply. He just kept remembering things about Dean and memories with him. It made him more sad most of the time.

He was wearing one of Dean's favorite jackets now. His mind flashed back to what Dean told him when he gave him the jacket before he left with John for a hunt.
"Now, Sam, I am giving you this jacket so you can have something to hold onto. It's gonna be a long hunt." Dean told Sam, putting the jacket on Sam. Sam nodded, looking at him. He hugged Dean tightly. "Please don't go."

"I'm sorry, kiddo. Dad's making me go. I wish I could take you." Dean said, kneeling down to Sam and placing his hands on his shoulders. "Be safe. Remember all of those procedures I taught you. Put up the salt once I leave."

Sam nodded, sniffling gently. Dean kissed his head before he left, leaving Sam to put up the salt lines.
Sam ran his fingers over the leather on Dean's jacket. It was oversized on him but he didn't mind. He wanted to go outside but he knew he wasn't allowed to. He got up and boiled some water for macaroni. He heard a knock on the door, checking the keyhole first before he opened the door. He smiled, unlocking the door and opening it. "Hi, Dad."

John came in quickly, placing some stuff on the bed. "Help your brother carry stuff in , please."
Sam smiled, rushing outside and to the impala. He wrapped his arms around Dean's waist, smiling. "You're back!"

Dean wrapped his arms around Sam, rubbing his back. "Yeah, I am. I missed you."

Sam looked up at him. "I missed you too."

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