crappy hunting skills

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Word Count : 1351
A/N : this one is gonna be a bit longer than usual. next part is my last one. thank you for reading this.

John had recently told Sam to go on a hunt alone

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John had recently told Sam to go on a hunt alone. Sam knew all of the proper procedures of things and he knew how to use a computer to research. So he headed to a small town in Missouri, using an old rental car. He pulled up at a motel and simply paid for a room and went inside. It'd been a long drive so Sam laid down to rest.
Dean sat down with Bobby, taking the soda Bobby offered him. He took a big drink from it. "Sam's on a hunt alone."

"Why would you let that idjit go off by himself?" Bobby said, looking down at the older Winchester.

Dean shrugged. "It was Dad's idea. And Sam is pretty good at aiming now and all that kinda stuff. He should be fine."

"Maybe you should call him tonight. Make sure he's you know, alive." Bobby said, sitting down with his beer.

Dean simply nodded, hoping Sam had everything under control.
"This is insane!" Sam screamed to Dean over the phone. He crouched down behind a car, breathing heavily. "That thing won't leave me alone."

"Sam, calm down. All you're doing is attracting attention to yourself. Just... do you remember how to sneak up and kill it?" Dean said calmly, hoping his little brother wouldn't get himself killed.

"Yeah. I.... I think I got it." Sam said quietly, keeping his eyes trained on the vampire that was nearby.

"Alright. Call me when you're safe." Dean hung up.

It had been two days since Dean had heard from Sam. And he was beyond worried. Bobby was already driving them both to Missouri. Dean was sitting in the passenger seat, tracking Sam's phone with his laptop. He sighed, rubbing his face. "Well, it still says he's in Missouri."

"That's good. Maybe he's alright." Bobby replied, glancing over at him.

"Well, I told him to call and he should've called." Dean said.

Bobby could tell Dean was angry. And he was too. Because it was procedure kinda. They just wanted to know if Sam was okay. Dean pulled out his phone, looking at Sam's contact. "I'll just call again. Maybe he was just busy."

So Dean dialed Sam again, waiting patiently for some sort of answer. Anything at all. The phone picked up and Dean listened closely, hearing static and what sounded like something dripping.

He hung up, gazing up at Bobby. "I just heard static. Someone clearly picked up. And I bet I know what this means."

"Someone's holding Sam captive."
The two vamps strode inside their apartment. One of them went to a table of tools and grabbed a needle. He kneeled down to an unconscious Sam, who was getting the blood drained from his wrist. He injected a needle into Sam's wrist, so he could take more out.

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