Oh, Sammy

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AN : so I deleted my last update because I actually didn't like it at all. I don't know if anyone will like this one but oh well. This part is kinda a spoiler for 14x4 Mint Condition. I wanted to do something for it. This will take place after Sam got sick at his crush's party (which is from what sam told dean towards the end of the episode) . And i'm gonna write what happened after. That probably made zero sense and this is longer than I planned it to be.
Sam got into the impala when Dean drove up. He quickly noticed Dean's disgusted expression. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why do you smell like that?" Dean replied.

".....I threw up."


"On a girl..." Sam said quietly, feeling ashamed. He'd liked her, a lot. He knew he had no chance now. He glanced up at Dean, expected to see him laughing. But Dean actually looked really concerned.

"What happened?" Dean asked. Sam just shrugged in response. So Dean asked again.

"I don't wanna talk about it, okay?" Sam said, being agitated. Dean nodded and started the car. "Okay, we won't."

He drove Sam back to the place they were staying. It was quiet the whole way there. Sam's stomach still felt nauseous. He felt humiliated. He looked at Dean, feeling bad for snapping at him. "I'm sorry, Dean."

Dean looked at him for a second, smiling reassuringly. "It's okay, Sam."

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