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May 2nd
For Sam's birthday, John planned to take a 8-year- old Dean and a 4 - year- old Sam to an aquarium. Sam was hopping around excitedly , being outside the car as they had pulled up at the aquarium. "Fishies! We get to see fishies!"

Dean chuckled as he got out of the car. "I know, Sammy." John gave them some money to pay for their entry and the two brothers excitedly went in. "Woah!" Sam smiled as he looked around, giggling. He went to go to where some tanks were but Dean grabbed his hand. "We gotta pay first."

Sam nodded and they paid. They walked through a hall and up to a jellyfish tank. Sam couldn't see well so Dean picked Sam up and placed him on his shoulders. Sam laughed happily. "Look, De!"
"I see 'em, Sammy." Dean chuckled softly. They went to look at turtles, sharks, fish, and they even pet stingrays. They met up with John and got pizza.

While they were eating, Sam looked up at John. "Daddy, we saw sharks."
John smiled. "So I've heard."
"Can we go again? Promise?" Sam smiled.

John sighed and ruffled Sam's hair. "Promise."

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