bike accident

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Word Count : 602
A/N : wow, we actually hit 3k. that's a really big milestone. thank you for reading and here's this little thing i decided to write. Also, ignore the fact that the gif on the bottom also has a girl in it sjsjsj

 Also, ignore the fact that the gif on the bottom also has a girl in it sjsjsj________

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"Look, Sammy. This is something that needs to be documented. It's monumental." Dean chuckled, taking photos of Sam's busted up knee and hand.

"Dean... stop. It's not that... monumental. I'm just clumsy and really bad at riding bikes." Sam pushed Dean's phone away from his face, chuckling as Dean just kept taking more photos. "Why do you want pictures of my bloody knee anyway?"

"Dad wanted to see how bad it was." Dean said, sitting down in a chair and sending the photos to John.

"Hopefully they'll come in here soon and fix it. My knee burns like crazy right now." Sam laid back on the bed, groaning gently. He fiddled with his shirt, sighing softly.

"Your knee is gonna be fine." Dean replied.

"How are you even gonna pay for this? Hospital bills are astronomical. And I'm gonna have to get stitches." Sam sat up carefully, looking at Dean.

"I'll figure something out."
"Don't worry about it, Sammy. Lay back down."

Sam listened and laid down on the bed, resting his eyes. Soon enough, the doctor came in and had Dean step out into the waiting room.

He gave Sam anesthesia and then began stitching his leg once Sam drifted off to sleep. The doctor came back out to Dean, looking at him. Dean stood up quickly, looking at the doctor. "How is he?"

"He's alright. He's resting now. You can go in to see him. We'll talk over more details when he wakes." The doctor said kindly before walking off.

Dean went into Sam's room, standing by his side and holding his hand. He looked at Sam's leg, which was bandaged fully and propped up on a pillow. Sam's eyes were closed as he rested peacefully.

Dean sat down in a chair by Sam's bedside. He was surprised to see John walk in a few minutes later. He looked up. "Dad? I thought you were on a hunt."

"I came back to visit your brother. How is he doing?" John said, looking at Sam.

Dean nodded. "Good. He's under anesthesia. He hasn't woke up yet. And he got stitches."

"Did they say when he'll be able to leave?" John asked him.

Dean shrugged. "Nope. It probably won't be today though."

"Yeah..." John nodded a bit. "I gotta go. But call me if something happens." And he quickly left. Dean groaned a bit, being frustrated with his father as usual. He heard a soft groan and looked down to see Sam waking up.

"Hey, are you feeling?" Dean asked softly, stroking his hand gently.

Sam's eyes focused on Dean, and then on his wrapped up leg. He chuckled a bit. "Woah..."

"I feel drunk."
"Probably the medicine. You're fine." Dean chuckled gently.

Sam smiled a bit, resting his eyes again and falling back asleep.
A few days later, Sam was out in the woods in a clearing with Dean. He was practicing walking with crutches but he wasn't doing very well. He looked up at Dean. "Dean, I can't do it. It's freezing. Can we just go?"

"No. Walk to me. Come on." Dean said gently.

Sam propped himself up on the crutches and started slowly making his way over to Dean. He eventually made it and he smiled.

"Told you so." Dean chuckled gently.

"Whatever." Sam laughed. "Come on, let's go."

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