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A/N : I'm gonna try a new thing with how the words are arranged

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A/N : I'm gonna try a new thing with how the words are arranged.
Word Count : 651
Sam hadn't slept in days, or eaten. Mostly just because of all of the hunts he'd been helping with. He felt like all of his days and nights were running together. One minute he was arguing with his father and another he was cutting a vampire's head off.

Sam stepped out of the impala with a deep sigh. He was exhausted from everything. His ears were ringing from the gunshots he'd been hearing for the past 30 minutes. Sam stepped inside of the diner with Dean and John. They got seated at a table.

Sam laid his head on the table to rest his eyes. John glanced at him, sighing. "Sam, sit up."
"I'm tired, Dad."
"I said, sit up!" John raised his voice a bit.

Sam groaned a bit, raising his head up and avoiding eye contact with John. "You've had me up for days. It's not fair."

"It's the family business, Sam. It requires your full attention." John argued. Dean tried to break them up, so he changed the subject to something else. Sam tuned them out , noticing how shaky he was getting. He figured it was just how he hadn't eaten in a little while.

Sam got up to use the bathroom, but he suddenly collapsed to the floor, starting to shake. Dean stood up. "Sammy? What's wrong with him, Dad?"

"He's having a seizure. Get him on his side." John replied, getting up. He helped Dean roll Sam over and they watched as he convulsed on the floor. One of the diner employees called 911 for help. Sam stopped shaking, coming to slowly.

"Dean?" Sam said shakily. Dean sat him up carefully, holding him. John felt really bad and realized he'd been pushing Sam too far. Dean glared at John. "This is your fault."

"Dean-" John tried to say but Dean just ignored him. The ambulance came and helped Sam onto a gurney. They drove Sam to a hospital and Dean got into the impala with John.

"He's been trying his best to impress you. And he hasn't been sleeping. That's why I sit in the backseat with him and let him sleep on me." Dean said gently.

John sighed, sniffling. "I feel really bad."

"You should. You know... I don't think Sam wants you there. He should drop me off and leave." Dean said while looking at John. "Don't say no."

Dean sat down by Sam's bedside, holding his hand. A nurse came in, looking at Dean. "Are you Sam's family?"

"Yes, I am." He nodded.

"Do you know what happened?" She asked kindly, walking over.

"He collapsed and had a seizure. I think it's because he hasn't slept." Dean said to her. "I'm really worried about him, is he okay?"

"He had another seizure in the ambulance. But he's just sleeping now. He's good. We want to run some tests but we're going to wait until the morning, when he's rested. Have you eaten dinner? I still have to bring in something for your brother." She said gently.

Dean was lost in his thoughts and just stared for a moment before he came back to reality. "Sorry... I uh... haven't eaten."

"I'll be back."
Sam woke up while Dean was eating. He looked at him for a while. "Dean?"

"Hey, you good?" Dean asked softly, looking at him with a lot of concern.

"Yeah, I'm good. Hungry." He chuckled gently. Dean grabbed his tray and handed it to him. Sam started eating almost immediately. Dean smiled at that, patting his shoulder.

"So... Dad didn't come?" Sam asked, drinking some water. He didn't really want John there at all but he was curious.

"I told him not to." Dean replied, mouth full of food.

"I figured." Sam chuckled slightly. "I'm glad you're here."

"Happy to be here." Dean smiled.

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