teenage crush

370 13 0

Word Count: 570
a/n: I wanted to say a few words about SPN ending. This show has changed a lot of people's lives. Jensen, Jared, and Misha have inspired me, along with the rest of the cast. The show is phenomenal and so meaningful to me. I know it'll have a great legacy in the SPN Family. <3

Dean knew the girl in his class was staring at him

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Dean knew the girl in his class was staring at him. And frankly, he didn't care because he thought she was beautiful. Dean stared back at her, chuckling quietly in amusement. Her name was Morgana.

Soon enough, the bell rang and Morgana walked over to Dean. They both walked through the hall together. Morgana began to speak, a smile forming on her face. "So, Dean.... what are you doing tonight?"

"Watching my little brother." Dean replied as they stepped off to the side and leaned against the wall together.

"Really? How old is he?" She replied softly, inspecting Dean's freckles.


"That's kinda young."

"A little. I guess. Why'd you ask?" Dean shrugged, kinda hoping she didn't wanna hang out. He didn't want Sam to embarrass him in front of the girl he liked.

"I wanted to maybe hang out." She said softly, getting close to Dean.

"I uh... my brother is sick." Dean lied, looking away. He wasn't a good liar and it showed on his face.

"What time do I come over?" Morgana said.
When Dean got back to the motel later, he was surprised to find Sam sound asleep in bed. He walked over and carefully covered Sam up with a blanket. He then sat down at the table in the room, waiting for Morgana to arrive.

Dean heard a knock on the door. One of those really loud, obnoxious knocks. He heard Sam groan in his sleep. "Dean."

"I'm sorry, Sammy. Go back to sleep." Dean got up to go to the door, watching as Sam rubbed his eyes sleepily and dozed off. Dean answered the door, looking at Morgana. He talked quietly so he wouldn't wake up Sam. "Be quiet. My brother is asleep."

Morgana didn't reply but simply stepped inside. She looked around at the motel room that they were staying in. As usual, it was crappy but also pretty decent. There was no mold in this one. She looked at Dean, smirking a bit. "This is where you live?"

"Just temporarily. We don't have a lot of money." Dean replied gently, looking at her. He could see a look of disgust on her face and it hurt his feelings for some reason. Though he couldn't quite understand why. "Do you not like me just because of this?"

"Well... I don't know, Dean. I thought you were... nicer. And like, a rich guy."

"Is that seriously your standards? Jesus..." Dean mumbled, a hint of anger in his voice. He looked up at her. "You should go."

Out of spite, Morgana raised her voice as she talked. "I knew you'd take it seriously. You're so sensitive."

Dean opened the door and gently pushed her out. He shut and locked up the door, turning around to look at Sam. He sat down by Sam's side, hearing Morgana leave from outside. He looked down and sighed.

"Did she reject you?"

"Be quiet, Sam."

"It's okay. I'm not gonna judge you or anything. We're in the same living situation. I got bullied today.... for my clothes. Because they're all torn up and stuff." Sam said with a sad sniffle. "We have to be there for each other, Dean. We're brothers."

"Come here." Dean wrapped an arm around Sam, stroking his back. "I'm sorry people messed with you. Maybe I can save some money and get you new clothes".

"That would be nice". Sam smiled gently.

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