a hunt gone wrong

400 11 2

Word Count: 935
A/N : I hope everyone is doing well. <3

Sam could feel the cold air around him

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Sam could feel the cold air around him. He knew a spirit was nearby. He knew it was a bad idea for him and Dean to split up, especially since he barely knew how to use this gun. He still poised it up in his arms, watching his surroundings in the abandoned house. The spirit had mostly stayed inside the house but this spirit had a kid that had died too, and that child spirit was in the woods with Dean.

They were both very vengeful, angry spirits. The father had been murdered by his wife, and so had the child. Dean had discovered the amount of deaths that had happened over the past two years, and they figured the father and his child's spirit had caused them.

Before they left the motel, Dean had stood in front of Sam and told him about the spirits. "Sam, there's a little girl and her father. I don't know how hostile they are but we should be careful. They were cremated so you'll have to find something else to burn that belonged to them, genetically. I think we should split up to cover more ground. What do you remember?"

Sam looked at him. "You find the remains and burn them."


And here Sam was standing by himself in the living room of the house. He didn't feel the cold chill anymore so he kept his gun close and headed upstairs. He stepped into the little girl's room. Her bed and toys were still there. It made Sam sad thinking about how she'd died so young.

He looked around in her dresser and under her bed and found a piece of clothing with what appeared to be her hair on it. He pulled his lighter out to burn it but the little girl appeared in front of him, throwing him against the wall.

Sam hit his head , blacking out.
Dean was walking around in the woods, searching for something that had belonged to the father. He found a bracelet and picked it up, seeing the father's initials engraved into it. It was silver. He looked up to see the father's spirit standing there, angry.

Dean stood up, and lit the bracelet on fire. He watched as the spirit disappeared. Dean was breathing heavily and he began the trek back to the house. He saw Sam in the distance, running away from the house. He had a horrible bruise along his eye, and blood all over his head.

"Sammy!" Dean yelled, running to catch up with him. He put his hand on Sam's shoulder when he caught up with him. "Hey... what happened to your head... and your eye?"

Sam sniffled, tears running down his cheeks. "I can barely open my eye. And I couldn't burn the hair I found... it's still in the house. And the child is too."

Dean looked at Sam. "Meet me at the car." He watched Sam carefully walk back to the car in the dark, with partial sight. Dean stepped inside the home, figuring the hair Sam found was in the bedroom. He stepped upstairs and found it, burning the material. He sighed heavily, going back out and walking to the impala. Dean sat down inside the car, pulling out first aid and cleaning and bandaging Sam's head the best he could. "That should be alright until we get to a hospital. I can't fix your eye."

"It's okay. Let's go." Sam said, leaning his head back against the seat and resting his eyes. Dean started the car and turned on the radio, keeping the volume low. He noticed Sam had fallen asleep, and just let him rest.

He got to the hospital and got out of the car, heading to Sam's passenger side. He wrapped an arm underneath his head, and grabbed his legs, picking him up and carrying him inside. "I need help for my brother." He called once he got inside. Doctors brought a gurney over, waiting for Dean to lay Sam down.

They wheeled him off afterwards. Dean sat down in the waiting room, he was one of the only people there. He fell asleep in the chair and a few hours later, a nurse came over and gently woke Dean up. "Sir?"

Dean woke up, rubbing his face. He sat up, smiling kindly. "Hello."

"Hi. I'm sorry to wake you but we've treated your brother and he's awake." The nurse said.

Dean stood up quickly, looking at her. "How is he?"

"He's good. We gave him some pain medication and put a bandage over his eye. He's having trouble opening it. What happened with him?" The nurse asked as they both walked to Sam's room.

Dean's mind flashed back to the events that happened. He cleared his throat. "He got in a fight. No big deal." He looked into Sam's room, once they got there. He thanked the nurse for leading him there and stepped inside, going to Sam's side. He looked at the bandage covering his eye, and the one on his forehead.

"Jeez, Sam." Dean sighed, sitting down next to him.
In the morning, Sam woke up. He looked at Dean, being careful with his eye. "Dean." He said gently, trying to wake him up.

Dean stirred, waking up and looking at Sam. "Hey kiddo. How are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess." Sam sniffled. "My head hurts. And my eye hurts."

"Well, keep it closed. Let it heal." Dean said, holding his hand. "I'll be right here."

"Thanks, Dean." Sam smiled a bit.

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