soccer practice

295 13 0

word count: 250


Dean walked over to the field after school. He didn't really feel like watching little kids kick balls around but little Sammy had practically begged him to come watch his team practice. He made it to the field and walked over, sitting in the set of bleachers off to the side. He sat his bag by his feet, thinking deeply about the

lecture he'd gotten from the principal today. He knew he deserved it but he felt humiliated and just angry. He focused on Sam, who was practicing kicking a ball into the goal.

Sam focused and kicked the ball, grinning happily. He walked over to Dean, throwing his hand up for a high five. He smiled when Dean returned the high five. "Aren't you proud of me? I'm finally getting it down!"

Dean laughed gently, liking how happy Sam was right now. "I'm glad. You should get back."

Sam ran back to his team, occasionally waving and smiling at Dean. He was happy, and so was Dean. Soon enough, Sam finished practice and ran over to Dean, grabbing his Gatorade from Dean's bag. He took a big gulp from it, smiling immediately afterwards. "Soccer is so fun, Dean. I wish we had a ball so you could try it back at the motel."

Dean reached into his bag and pulled out a soccer ball, smiling at the big grin that appeared on Sam's face. "You wanna teach me?"

Sam grabbed the ball with a grin. "Absolutely."

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