the incident

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a/n: dumb title, i know. but I didn't know what else to put. I'm gonna start putting word count. This one has 1,300. enjoy :)
Dear Dean Winchester,
         Hello. I suppose you're familiar with me. You killed my brother and sister on a hunt. I am Amelia. I've been so angry at you for what you did that I wanna take revenge. A brother for a brother. When you find this note, your dear Sammy will be gone. I will torture and hurt him and hear him scream, just like how my brother screamed as he died. If you wanna find Sam, meet me at this address. 114 Ivy Lane. There will be a building there. You'll know where we are by Sam's cries.
        Yours truly,
Dean's heart broke as he read the letter. Again. And again. And again. He couldn't believe that Sam was gone. He knew he had to do something to save Sam. But what? He knew he'd have to be very careful because if something went wrong, Sam could die. Or Dean himself.

Dean quickly got a bag together with hunting supplies. He took a moment to pull himself together. He let tears fall. His mind thought of the horrible things that could be happening to his baby brother. He grew angrier and angrier with each thought. Dean quickly rushed out, heading to the given address.

He focused on driving and not his emotions, because he knew if he focused on his emotions that he could wreck.
Sam leaned his head back against the chair. Amelia kneeled down to him. "Are you in pain?"

Sam glared at her. "I'm not even gonna answer that. Do you see the bruises on me? The blood coating my neck? You threw me over the balcony of a stairwell."

Amelia giggled evilly. "It was fun."

Sam spoke angrily to her. "My brother is gonna kill you for this. I promise."

Amelia left him in a dark room, alone. Sam passed out from the pain, waking up a bit later to a window opening in the room. He opened his eyes, glancing over to see Dean climbing inside. Dean fell on the floor, making a loud thump sound. Sam scolded him, whispering. "Dean!"

Dean chuckled slightly, rushing over. He placed his hands on Sam's face, feeling bad about the blood and bruises on Sam. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, get me out of here." Sam said quietly, looking at him. He was watching the door because he knew that Amelia could come back any moment. He looked at Dean again. "I don't think I can stand up. Or climb back outside."

"It's okay. I'm gonna untie you and then take care of Amelia." Dean replied.

"I don't want you hurt." Sam whispered, tears filling his eyes.

"I'll be fine." Dean smiled gently.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. I'll be right back." Dean smiled reassuringly, heading downstairs to face Amelia. He glared at her.

Amelia smirked. "Dean Winchester."

Dean sighed. "Amelia."

Amelia moved closer to Dean. "Well, I'm waiting for my impending doom."

Dean pulled out a blade, killing her. "Then you just got it." He went back up to Sam, gasping at the sight of Sam lying unconscious on the floor. He rushed over to him, trying to wake him. When he didn't wake up, Dean carefully lifted him up, carrying him outside to the impala. He gently laid him in the backseat, trying to buckle him in with a seat belt.

Dean hopped into the front seat. He carefully drove to the hospital but tried to be as fast as he could. He didn't wanna get pulled over or anything but he knew Sam had injuries and such.
Dean carried Sam into the hospital , asking for help with tears running down his face. Some doctors and nurses came over and helped lay Sam on a stretcher, they immediately rushed him off. A nurse looked at Dean. "What's your name, sir?"

"I.... uh.. Dean." Dean sniffled, wiping his face. He was shaken up. He didn't like that Sam was here and in the condition that he was in. He told the nurse information about Sam and lied and said he wrecked on his bike instead of saying a vampire kidnapped and beat him up.

Dean waited in the waiting room for several hours before that same nurse came up. "Dean?"

Dean stood up quickly. "How is he? Where is my brother?"

The nurse smiled kindly. "He's just fine. He's asleep. Do you wanna see him?"

Dean nodded gently. He followed the nurse to the elevator. He got in with her. The nurse hit a floor button and they both stood in silence until Dean spoke. "What were Sam's injuries?"

"Well... his neck was fractured. And he had several small wounds. Bruises and all that. He seems just... exhausted." The nurse sighed softly. "But... he did very well with our operations and we put a cast on his neck, to help it heal. We think his leg is broken but the x-rays aren't back yet."

"Thanks." Dean smiled a bit.

"For what, sir?"

"Taking care of him. He probably would've died if I hadn't brought him here." Dean replied, looking at her. He stopped talking when the elevator door opened. He stepped out with the nurse and they walked through the floor. Dean looked into some of the rooms as they walked past. Sick patients, coma patients, and even little kids.

His heart felt sick knowing there were little kids in the hospital. He kept walking alongside the nurse until they finally made it to Sam's room. He thanked the nurse and quickly moved to Sam's side, holding his hand. When the nurse stepped out, tears filled Dean's eyes as he looked at his hurt little brother. "I'm sorry, Sammy. As soon as I saw the letter, I should've left right away. I was just shocked, I guess. That's not an excuse. But... I love you. You're my brother. I know you can get through this. I'll be right here." Dean sat down next to him.

A few hours later, Sam woke up. He looked at Dean, smiling a bit. "Did I die?"

Dean laughed a bit, looking at him. "No, you didn't die. You're okay. Hey... how'd she break your neck?"

"She fractured it but... um... she had that big stairwell thing in the building. She threw me over the balcony and I fell, knocked myself out. My neck ached really bad after that." Sam chuckled a bit, then resting his eyes.

Dean groaned. "Ouch. Well, get some rest. I'll see if I can sign you out soon." He covered Sam with the sheets and stayed by his side as he slept. He knew that Sam's hospital bill was gonna be expensive. He also knew he didn't have the money.
Dean woke up in the morning to the nurse gently shaking his shoulder. He sat up, rubbing his face. The nurse gave him a cup of coffee and Dean thanked her, drinking it. "When can I check my brother out?"

"I think you can today." The nurse said kindly, checking up on Sam to make sure he was okay.

Dean smiled gently. "That's great. How about now?"
Dean unlocked the motel door and went back to the impala , helping Sam stand up and get inside. He sat him down on the bed.

"Dean, you don't have to baby me or anything." Sam sighed, looking at him.

"Well, you don't feel good right now. So I'm gonna baby you. Even though you're like 15." Dean chuckled, sitting by Sam and handing him some water. Sam drank half of the bottle, sighing. He laid his head on Dean, going to sleep right there. Dean held Sam close, knowing everything was gonna he okay.

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