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Today was Sam's birthday. He wasn't really too excited because he knew John wouldn't be there. But Dean had something special planned.

Dean shook Sam awake gently. "Come on, birthday boy! Get up."

Sam whined and threw a pillow at him, hitting him right in the face. "Can't I sleep in?"


"Ugh. Dean!"

"Get up." Dean practically dragged him out of bed. He handed him a wrapped up box. Sam looked at it with curiosity.

"What's in it?"

"I'm not gonna tell you. Open it." Dean chuckled. Sam sighed in response and opened it up. It was a small toy car that Sam had been wanting for weeks. Sam smiled, looking at it.

"Dean... thank you." He gave him a tight hug and Dean smiled, hugging back.

They went to a park near the hotel and played together for most of the day. Later that night, John came back from his hunt early.

"Best birthday ever." Sam smiled as he hugged John.

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