little brother to the rescue

393 13 0

Word Count : 493
A/N: two more parts to go before I finish this book up. Then I may pick one part and make a full length book. Also, thank you so much for 4K. I really appreciate all of the support.

Sam was alone in the motel room

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Sam was alone in the motel room. He knew Dean left for a hunt last night. And he couldn't help but be worried about him. He hadn't gotten a call from Dean yet and he wasn't sure what to do. So Sam picked up his phone and called Dean, listening to it ring and go to voicemail. He hung up, sighing. He decided to just pack a bag and head to the place he knew Dean would be.
Sam walked up upon an old shack, sighing heavily. He placed his bag down and grabbed his gun, sliding his knife into his boot. He headed inside the shack, making sure to be silent so he wouldn't get caught. He peeked around the corner, seeing a man standing above Dean, and Dean was on his knees.

They made eye contact, Dean giving Sam a worried look. The man moved forward as if to hurt Dean, so Sam ran over, taking his knife and plunging it into the man's leg. The man groaned in pain, leaning over to try and get the knife out. Sam had put it far into his leg, that's why it was taking him so long to get it out.

Sam helped Dean stand up.

Dean sighed. "Awesome." They tried to head to the door. The man finally got the knife out from his leg and threw it at Sam, smirking in satisfaction as it hit Sam in the back. Sam cried out in pain, almost falling over before Dean caught him. "Sam, steady yourself."

"I can't. Ow... it really hurts." Sam winced, tears welling up in his eyes. They made it outside and ran for a while, before stopping somewhere in town. They sat down in an alleyway and Dean sat down by Sam. He looked at Sam, knowing he was in a lot of pain.

"Sam, I'm gonna pull this blade out. And it's gonna hurt." Dean said gently. "Brace yourself okay?"
Sam closed his his eyes, taking in a deep breath.

Dean pulled out the blade from Sam's bag, wincing when Sam began to cry. He patted Sam's knee gently. "You did great."

"That hurt really bad." Sam chuckled weakly. He took off his shirt so Dean could take care of his back. He stayed quiet for a while.

"Sam, why'd you come after me?" Dean asked, grabbing some alcohol and putting it on a rag. He gently dabbed it on Sam's wound.

"You didn't call to check in. I thought something had happened to you." Sam said gently.

"I was fine."

"He was gonna kill you."

"Yeah... well. He didn't. But thanks for showing up." Dean said, putting a bandage on Sam's back.

"You're welcome, Dean."

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