Wrestling incident

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Dean felt ashamed when he had to call John and tell him that he'd broken little Sammy's wrist while they were wrestling. Of course, John was frustrated when he had to leave the hunt. But when he heard the word "hospital" , all of his anger faded away.
Sam looked at the blue cast on his wrist, then at Dean. "Look, De! Your favorite color."

Dean smiled softly. "Yeah, Sammy. I see."

John came and picked them up. Sam excitedly went up to John. "Look, Dad! Look! I'm wearing a cast."
John chuckled softly. "I see."

Both Dean and John had expected Sam to be upset because of the pain but really he was just excited to wear a cast. When he got it off, he cried for a few hours but then got over it.

A/N : this is so short and dumb bc I ran out of inspiration

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