Freshman year

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Sam and Dean were sitting in the backseat of the impala, John was driving them to school. Dean noticed how Sam was behaving. Sam was sweaty and shaky, being nervous. Dean nudged him softly, smiling gently.

Sam chuckled softly, looking down. "Hi, Dean."
"Hey. You okay, little brother?" Dean asked softly.

Sam sighed , looking out the window. He could see the school in the distance and that made him more anxious. He was starting 9th grade, Dean being in 11th for some reason. "I'm just really nervous, okay?"

"About what?" Dean asked, generally being curious. He knew Sam loved school and learning.

"About everything, Dean! Dad's gonna be gone for 4 weeks. I'm worried about t-the schoolwork - if I'll be able to finish it all. You know kids bully me!" Sam said to him.

"I'll protect you, Sammy. I always do." Dean said reassuringly.

"I'm a little kid anymore. I'm 15." Sam said to him, looking out the window. "Whatever happens, happens I guess."
Sam was in 3rd period now and it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. He was sitting at a desk doing his work when he felt a piece of paper hit him. He tensed up, hearing giggling from a few kids. He sighed quietly, picking up the paper and throwing it to the ground.

One of the boys, Tyler, giggled. He grabbed something from his bag. "Watch this, guys."
He threw it at Sam and hit him in head. Tyler and his friends laughed. Sam fell out of his desk and on the floor, being dizzy and disoriented since Tyler had thrown a small stapler at his head.

This caught the teacher's attention. She walked over to Sam and helped him up, looking at his head. "Do you want to go the nurse?"
"I want my brother!" Sam yelled shakily, crying softly. He quickly grabbed his things and ran out.

The teacher sent Tyler to detention , figuring Sam knew where his brother was. Sam was walking through the halls, crying silently. He had a big, purple bruise on his head. He saw Dean at his locker and sniffled. "Dean!"

Dean turned around when he heard Sam's face, getting concerned and angry when he saw the bruise and how upset Sam was. He walked over to him and put his arms around him, letting Sam cry in his chest.

"I hate this school!" Sam said angrily, looking up at Dean. "Please don't make me go here anymore."

"I won't, Sammy. Let's go." Dean said softly. He took Sam's bag and carried it. He left school with Sam. When they got back to their motel, Sam sat on the couch that was in their room. Dean tossed Sam's bag on a bed and sat next to him. "Tell me what happened." He said to him.

"Well... Tyler threw a piece of paper at me. I just didn't care. But t-then he threw a stapler at my head. It really hurt." Sam explained quietly, sitting back on the couch. He laid his head on Dean, Dean just let him.

"Let me see." Dean moved some of Sam's hair back and sighed when he saw the bruise. It was already looking better. "It doesn't look too bad. You wanna lay down?" He looked down at Sam and then smiled gently, kissing his forehead. Sam was sound asleep.

Dean sat there with Sam, still feeling angry for what happened. But he didn't wanna do anything about it now.

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