Baby Time

546 21 3

Word Count : 403
a/n : i have like 3 tests this week yeehaw. And I'm gonna start taking requests for stuff you guys may want written. So you can message me with them or comment them on this. <3 - tessa
Dean sighed heavily, watching as John packed his stuff. Dean was five now and they'd been without Mary for a while. Dean was still grieving but he could tell John wanted him to "man up" and take care of his baby brother, who wasn't even 2 yet.

"Dad, you can't just leave me here. I don't know how to take care of Sam." Dean said to John, hoping he'd reconsider.

"Yes, you do. All he wants is to play and drink some milk. I'll be back in a few days." And with that being said, John left. Dean glanced at Sam, who was sitting on the floor playing with some cars. He sighed and went over, kneeling down.

Sam held a car out to him. "De, play?"

"Sure, Sammy." Dean took a seat next to Sam and played cars with him for awhile. He eventually looked at the time and saw it was close to dinner and he sighed a bit.

"Sammy, are you hungry?"

"Yeah!" Sam giggled, standing and waddling over to a table. He grabbed his bottle, sitting down to drink it. Dean made him some food and sat him in a high chair. Sam ate the spaghetti that Dean fixed, making a mess on his face. Dean chuckled gently, trying to clean his face. Once Sam was done, Dean gave him a bath.

Dean started lowering him into the bath and Sam cried when his toes hit the water. Dean touched the water and realized it was scolding hot. "Oh... sorry, Sam." He sat Sam on the floor and adjusted the water to a luke warm temperature. He put Sam in the bath, watching as Sam cooed and smiled, splashing water all over the place.

Dean managed to bathe Sam, getting soaked in the process. He changed Sam and put him in front of cartoons so he could get into dry clothes. He then sat with Sam, watching as Sam crawled over and laid in his lap.

"Sammy..." Dean sighed a bit, not wanting Sam all over him. Sam looked up at him, giving him those same big, round puppy dog eyes. Dean gave in, letting Sam lay on him.

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