don't yell at me

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Word count : 181
A/N: I only about 5 parts left before I'm done with this book. Please consider checking out the other book I just published yesterday. <3

Dean followed Sam down the street quickly

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Dean followed Sam down the street quickly. "Sam, you're gonna have to run faster than that to get away from me."

"Dean, it was an accident, okay?" Sam said, stopping in his tracks and turning to look at Dean. He'd gotten in trouble at school. He'd met these new kids in their first day in town. He met up with them in the park and befriended them.

"Sam, you got drunk. You're underage." Dean said, looking at him with a disappointed expression.

"They... pressured me." Sam lied, tears filling his eyes.
"You're not old enough to drink. You shouldn't have done that yet." Dean yelled.

"Don't yell at me!" Sam screamed. He then composed himself, covering his face. "I'm sorry, okay? They said they'd like.... mess with you or something. I could've sworn their eyes went black."

Dean wrapped his arms around Sam. "Okay. I'm sorry. Let's go back to the motel."

"Okay..  I'm sorry I yelled." Sam said quietly.
"I'm sorry too, Sammy."

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