💋💋 good morning 💋💋

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Andy had finally been accepted into college. It was his first day there, he checked in at the desk and proceeded to go to his new dorm. Sharing a room with a guy named Chad. He new when he opened that door he could be meeting the best friend of his life. He opened the door, and saw a short skinny white man the same age as him with a buz cut. "He didn't look to good" Andy thought. Andy was a naturally muscular white guy with a under cut standing around 5'10. 

Andy and Chad introduced each of them selves to each other and got to know each other. Since orientation wasn't for another 2 hours. Andy and Chad really grew fond of one another, and got along really well. Especially over there Preferred choice of women. Thick light skin chicks with big boobs and a fat ass. 

Months go buy and they are best friends Andy made a lot of friendships at college. But Chad not so much, he was every Lonely Andy was one of 2 friends he had. He wanted a girlfriend so bad. He was jealous of Andy not acting like he was his friend all the time, and bringing all these girls with him to the dorm. He would share with Chad occasionally. But Chad wanted a girl for himself. He wanted his dream girl. One cold night Chad was walking around campus and came up on a black magic store. It moved in right where the old nerd shop was. Chad was curious so he walked in. 

The place was dark he looked around at all the goofy pots , books and the occasional witch hat. He notices a girl working there. She was maybe a year older than him. She was wearing what looked like one of those skimpy witch Halloween costumes. She wasn't bad looking at all he thought actually kind of cute she looked like she was the girl in the picture for one of those costumes. With black lipstick and long brown hair. She notices Chad eyeing her and told him to come here and a friendly and sexy tone. 

Chad speed walked there being excited any girl would've talked to him. He got there and introduced himself, and she did too. Her name was Tory. They had a little small talk, and Tory asked Chad a question. "Have you herd of are new morning after pills?" . Chad said "like a plan B?". Tory said "no these pills will give your body changes for 12 to 24 hours depending on dosage". What kind of changes asked Chad? 

"Any thing you want almost bigger dick, muscles, height ,eye color, skin color and they can even change your gender. Chad thinking this is to good to be true ask jokingly about the gender one and if he can tweak them like the other ones. They are .... you can give your self big ass and tits too she says, they also dissolve in water and take effect in 10 minutes. Chad asks how much and she says a dollar per pill, but I'll give you 50cent per pill. Chad bought the gender change, big butt, big boobs, thick and tiny waist, curly hair and most importantly light skin color change. He spent 3 dollars, she gave him the pills as he asked 

"why are they called morning after pills?" She says "it's because people take them at night, and think they are a brand new person the morning after.". Chad now thought to him self that he'll make him self his dream girl to play around. They said good bye as Chad couldn't wait to get to his dorm. 

Chad got to the dorm quickly and told Andy all about the pills he just got, And doesn't believe it. Later that night while Andy and Chad where just chillin Andy asked Chad for some water. Since Chad was in the kitchen making him one to, so he thought it be no big deal and made Andy one to. Chad put the six pills in his water and watched them dissolve, as he heard a knock on the door.

He quickly went to answer it and it was one of Andy's girls that said she might of forgot some clothes there Andy and Chad both said "no?" since they kept the dorm pretty clean. She said " oh okay and said she left them at her friend house and walked away". Chad now going back to get his water notices it's been taken as he looks over to see Chad gulping it down before Chad could say anything the water was gone.

Chad worried told Andy he drunk the water with the gender pills. Andy said the water didn't taste funny and the pills are fake anyways and blows it off. Chad now looks at the clock 12:21 at 12:31 they should take affect he thought to him self. 

10 minutes pass as Andy starts to feel a little sick. He feels his stomach bubbling . Instead of turning pale he got the slightest bit tan. As he looked in the mirror he notices he got a bit darker. He looks closer as his hair starts to grow very fast, it was black and curly and soon freaks out and runs to wake up Chad. Before he could get there he trips as his bones start to crack. He feels like his body under his skin is moving and rearranging it's self. He yelps as he shrinks from 5'10 to 5'2. He starts to hyper ventilate as pressure in his body grows all around him. Chad wakes up from the yelp and runs to Andy. He sees Andy laying there in pain saying "ah" with each breath because of the pain. His "ah's!" Start to get higher pitch. He soon passes out Chad watches as his best friend is turning female he starts to freak out. As he watches chads hair get longer , as his skin turns into a mocha color and his face change. His cheek bones raise as his lips puff out and his jaw line gets sharper. His nose gets small and cute while his face turns completely female. He watches as Andy's arms and hands lose body hair and get dainty and cute. The unconscious Andy takes of his shirt. He's covered in sweat, his waist caves in giving him the tiny waist both he and Chad dreamed about. Andy let's out a sexy female moan as his nipples get wider, and become erect. He moans a long sexy female moan as two breast start to grow putting weight on his chest stretching his skin. Chad sits down next to his friend as he thinks about touching his new DD cup boobs. Andy's shoulders smooth out becoming less broad and now tiny. His stomach starts to lose what little fat it had becoming very smooth and flat. 

Andy's whole upper body is now a light skin girl, like the one in his and chads dreams. Chad is in dis belief and wants this to be him so bad. As Chad here's a loud pop, Andy's hips start to expand ripping the cargo shorts he had on. Chad being the friend he is takes the rest of Andy's clothing of off him. So nothing happens to them. All of his body hair soon falls off . And Andy's hips keep expanding his legs move with them. He moans a woman moan again as he touches his new extremely wide hips. His legs and feet get smooth and small ,as his thighs start to puff up lifting him off the ground. They fill up to fill in the distance between his legs. As his thighs start to put pressure on his balls and dick. Andy gets a erection as his penis and balls quickly gets slurped back inside of him being replaced with a tight pretty wet pussy. Chad starts to get hard, he ignores it worrying about his friend. Andy's new body soon rolls over on its stomach as it's butt, starts to fill with fat quickly. Moaning uncontrollably Andy's ass now getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Chad starts to worry more as it won't stop he's never seen a ass this big. Soon after Andy's ass has one more jut and it is done. The ass did a little jiggle as it stop growing. Chad shook Andy to wake him now her up. Everything was stiff besides her boobs ass and thighs they kept jiggling. Chad in awe as his dick got even harder. Chad quickly scrambles to get something to cover Andy up. And he finds the clothes that girl was looking for from earlier in the corner. A pink tank top and gray booty shorts he puts them on Andy. It was difficult, her new assets made all the clothing stretch to the point of being to tight. And almost ripping. Chad gets the clothes on and drags and carries her to her bed.

Waking up in the morning Chad wakes up to the smell of breakfast. He gets up out of bed and walks to the kitchen to see. Andy cooking breakfast. ANDY!?!? Chad yells out.
You mean Annie she said the shaking the spatula at him. Chads jaw dropped as Annie asked " did you have a good night sleep baby" she said it very sexy. Chad couldn't believe it his dream girl is cooking him breakfast and is calling him baby. Annie then says " after breakfast we could have a little fun since we fell asleep in different beds last night" Chad was so excited he never wanted the pills to where off, he knew it was wrong but he was now about have sex with his dream girl. He knew he could keep giving her the pills but didn't know if he should. Chad and Annie quickly ate. They started to kiss before going to Chads bed for some fun. 

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