love messages

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-Agh, come on, what the hell are you doing in the cell phone again, Madison?- Jean, 24, asked Madison, 15, that recently was passing most of her time on the cell phone. The relationship between the siblings always were a bit acid. And the fact that Madison started to date a 16 years old boy named Ryan, fact that Jean was just using as another reason to tease her. -So, let me see what we have for today…- He said, picking up her phone and looking at it. -NO! Jean, give it back to me! NOW!- -Look here, Madison! You should break up with this guy. I’m being serious, teenagers boys with 16 years old just think about sex! He is only treating you this way to “make love” with you, okay? I guess you only understand if I use the word “love”! Seriously, are all teenagers girls this dumb or it is just you?- He asked, throwing the phone back to her, leaving the room. She was so angry, so ashamed. She already tried to use a password on her phone, but when she did it he just grabbed the phone while she was using it. She couldn’t simply stop talking with Ryan by messages. What could she do? That was when something in the screen called her attention. Next to some of her icons, there was an advertising. “Tired of people hacking your phone? Well, we won’t only protect your apps, but also make sure that everyone that mess with your stuff will regret doing it! Download, T.F. Security System NOW!” It was a bit weird… An advertising never appeared in the middle of the main screen. It sounded a bit weird and too convenient, but… She downloaded it and a new message appeared on her screen. It asked her to put her finger on the screen, to get her digital print and asked her to send a message detailing her problem, so one of the company’s employees could think exactly in how to “fix” the situation. She described her situation the best she could, trying to don’t forget any detail. A message then appeared on her screen. “We will send you a message when the plans to solve your situation are finished! When we do so, make sure that the unwanted people open your protected app. It will identificate that it isn’t you and activate the security program. And it can be used many times! Now, have fun!” She didn’t get the final part… Used many times? But wasn’t it like a security system? Why it should be used only one time? Anyway, she decided to ignore it and obey the message.
Two days later, Madison was taking a shower and he was going to the kitchen, when he found something. Onto the table, there was Madison’s phone. Something was appearing in the screen. “29 messages from Ryan Hiera”. “29? Oh boy, what is this guy doing now…” Jean thought, picking the object and opening the message’s app. As he did it, the screen suddenly got black with an enormous red message. “NOT THE USER! ACTIVATING SPECIAL DEFENSING PROGRAM!” -What the… GAAAAAHHHH!- The man yelled, falling on the ground as a electrical current trespassed his whole body. Spasming, he could feel as if infinite microscopic particles were travelling all over his body, electring each of his limbs. He got up holding on the table, and tried to scream for help. But when he opened his mouth, all he could do was take a deep breath, as he suddenly felt his stomach being pulled inside. He once again fell on the ground when his arms lost all its strength, with his shoulders suddenly losing mass, turning from large and strong to fragile and weak. He felt tingles on his face, that was somehow becoming delicate and smaller, without hair, whilst his hands were shrinking, getting slender fingers with longer nails. His whole body was turning smaller, losing both height and weight. When he felt his lips getting plump and soft, he once again got up, feeling his knees trembling. His face was now the one of a girl, delicate, feminine and with a smooth skin. Jean felt his hair growing, but was too scared with other chances to worry with it. His hips were enlarging, expanding slowly, pushing his skin. His butt was also changing to match it, gaining weight and changing shape, swelling like a balloon. As the perfectly round heart shaped butt was formed, the most scary transformation happened. A weird sensation on his penis… His legs (that were now plump) were trembling even more (and in a more feminine way) than before, with his knees getting closer to each other as his penis was shrinking. He let a weird feminine scream escape when he felt that it got completely sucked into his body, each part of it now corresponding to a new part on a completely formed functional vagina. She was no longer a he. And as the final part, she felt something bulging on her flat chest. Was her… growing breasts? Feeling the breasts forming, the girl tried to push them back with her hands, but it only made her feel somehow aroused, with the lewd sensation of creating functional mammary glands. Letting a moan escape, the girl noticed that she was now cupping two completely formed DD cup breasts. Her breasts. Her body transformation was now finished. The girl that should have now something around 16 years old fell on the ground panting, in panic. That was when she felt something weird… But now in her mind.
-Come on Jean… What are you doing?- Madison entered on her formerly brother’s room, seeing a 16 years old girl, dressing Madison’s clothes (a small shorts and a shirt that made sure to show the sides of her certainly-not-small breasts), typing on her cell phone, smiling. -Jean, for God’s sake! Listen to me!- 2 weeks passed since the transformation. Madison’s parents got furious and demanded her to fix it! But since she couldn’t contact the company anymore, that was always ignoring her messages, they demanded her to take care of her new sisters until they discovered a solution. Actually, Madison really needed to take care of her new sister. That’s because the app also messed with her sister’s mind. She was now completely feminine. And even having all her old memories, she wasn’t even worried with turning back to a guy. Actually, she was kinda enjoying being female. And recently, she started to dress sexier clothes and passed a lot of time with her phone. -SIS!- -Oh, sorry sis! Were you talking to me?- -Yes, I was… What the hell are you doing?- -Oh, talking to Ian!- -Ian?- -Yes! He is that boy that works on the bakery! He is just sooo cute… - -Is it with him that you are talking all the time?- -Yes! We will go the theater tomorrow!- -WHAT? Jean, you can’t date this boy!- -And why not?- -Because you are a boy trapped in this body! For God’s sake Jean, think straight!- -Oh, these are just details…- And Madison continued yelling to her new sister about why she shouldn’t do it. But Jean started ignoring, rubbing her legs against each other as she read the messages from Ian, smiling. He was just too cute… She knew that he didn't want only sex. And even he also wanted sex, she was okay with it. He also had a pretty nice body... Noticing her sister's thoughts just made Madison freak out again. Now, Madison that wasn’t happy with her sister dating a boy. But it was for different reasons...

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