swapping with my sister (p.1)

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John walked as quickly as he could in the high heels, his shoes clicking loudly with each step. His feet were hurting and he was beginning to get fed up with all the leering looks he was getting in the short skirt he was wearing. He was going to give Clarissa a piece of his mind when he finally caught up with her. As he approached the bridge he could see his sister Clarissa leaning against the guard-rail near the middle of the bridge and looking down into the water, the medallion in her hand. It was odd to see his own body from the outside; but then again, it had been odd spending the evening in Clarissa’s body. When Clarissa had first suggested that they use the medallion to try switching bodies for the evening John had been doubtful. What did he want to be a girl for, he argued. Clarissa kept nagging him and eventually she convinced him that it might be fun to try it for an evening. After all, what was the harm in trying it for a few hours?The transition had been swift and painless and he found himself in Clarissa’s body and wearing her clothes. He had always noticed how short skirts were but only now as he stood there in a short, tight, black miniskirt that only just covered his rear did he realise just how short they were. The low-cut top he was wearing felt very exposed too but before he could change his mind or his clothes Clarissa had run off, taking the medallion with her. They had agreed to meet back at home at 10 o’clock and John now had a few hours to enjoy living in a young woman’s body. He decided to head downtown but he remembered his wallet was in his jacket that Clarissa now had. He had no cash on him at all, just Clarissa’s mobile phone. He couldn’t take a taxi so he would have to walk. It wasn’t too far but as soon as he set out he noticed that high heels were not designed for walking long distances. They felt very awkward at first but after ten minutes he found he could walk quite well in them, although he was aware of just how much he had to swing his hips to do it, and just how his bottom seemed to be sticking out. The admiring looks he got from every man he passed were fun at first but he began to feel very self-conscious that there always seemed to be another pair of eyes on him.

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