to make a marry Christmas

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Christmas is something wonderful. So many happiness and fun, people receiving and giving gifts, visiting old parents, children waiting anxious for Santa Claus bringing their presents… Who can’t love this? Well, Mitchel. Not only he didn’t like christmas, he HATED it. He explained that it was due to a childhood trauma, when his father leaved his family during christmas. Now, he loved to ruin it to everyone in any way he could. He wasn’t a bad guy during the rest of the year, but when it came to christmas, he was a demon. This year, he had an ultimate idea in how to ruin christmas. He got a job as a Santa Claus in the mall of his town. The plan was simple: make the children hate christmas as much as he did.

It was december 24 when he went to work in the mall. The first child, a boy with something around 6, sat on his lap. -Ho, ho, ho! What do you want for christmas, little boy?- -A videogame!- Then, Mitchel left his voice lower, so the parents of the children couldn’t hear. -Well, it’s a shame, but you will gain nothing!- -Why?- The boy said, almost crying. -Because you were a bad kid! A bad, terrible kid! Now, you will have to suffer! Did you see the demon behind your bed? His name is Satan and he’ll kill and eat you!- Desperate, the boy started to cry and ran to his parents. The father laughed a little bit, thinking that the boy was scared of the Santa’s image and walked away.

In the next hours, Mitchel kept doing the same thing. He received the kid, that asked for a present. Then, Mitchel said that the kid was bad and that Satan would eat it. Two hours passed and no one complained. The plan was being a success. But while Mitchel was receiving one more kid, a small fairy was flying, invisible, in the shopping. “Okay, okay! Remember your mission: protect christmas!” She thought, looking around. “Oh, look! A guy dressed as Santa! Oh, let’s see how he is going!” She moved, smiling, to Mitchel, stopping next to his shoulder to hear the conversation. The boy asked for a truck miniature. -Oh, I’m sorry but you were a bad, terrible kid! And you’ll pay! There’s a demon living under your bed from now on! His name is Satan and he’ll kill and eat you!- -WHAT?- The fairy yelled, when Mitchel finished his sentence. -What? What’s happening?- Mitchel said, looking to the sides, whilst the boy ran to hug her mother, crying. -I can’t believe what’s happening here…- The fairy says, suddenly becoming visible to everyone. The people in the row got stunned, confused. -WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU?- Mitchel yelled, trying to slap the fairy. -And now you are trying to kill me! I can’t believe! Well, for your information, my name is Mia. I was sent here by Santa Claus, to take care of this city during the christmas’ eve! And then, what do I see? An idiot trying to traumatize children! KIDS, DON’T WORRY! THIS GUY ISN’T THE REAL SANTA!- The fairy yelled to all the confused children in the row. -Oh my God… I must have got crazy…- Mitchel said, afraid. -Let me see… We, Santa’s employees, have access to everything someone did during the year… Now, let’s see what you di… WHAT? YOU RUINED CHRISTMAS TO 47 KIDS TODAY!- The fairy yelled, looking shocked to her small smart phone. -WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?- -It’s not your business! Now, get out of here, hallucination!- -Mitchel, I’m sorry, but you will have to be punished! Seriously punished!- The fairy said, taking a bottle with a pink dust from a green small purse. Everyone in the row was still stunned, except for a little girl, that was jumping in happiness by seeing a fairy. Mitchel sat back on his chair. -I will just ignore it…- He said, before the fairy threw all the dust on him. -Okay, now could you disappear… WHAT? MY VOICE!- He yelled, as his voice was suddenly different. He moved his hand to his throat, just to notice that it was shrinking. The adam’s apple that was once there was completely gone. But his voice wasn’t only high pitched… It was feminine. -WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY THROAT?- -Oh, I’m not doing something to your throat! Why don’t you give a look on your hands? Because I loved what you did with your nails!- -What are you… GYA!- With this girly scream, he realized that his hands were different. In matter of seconds, they became smaller and petite. His fingers were much more slender, and his nails longer and well cared. Its skin was soft, with the hair that it once had now fallen on the ground. The same was happening on his entire body, that was losing hair and becoming smaller and feminine. He could feel and see the Santa’s costume getting too large on him, and if he wasn’t seated, his clothes would be now on the ground. The next change started on his chest. A somehow lewd sensation of something growing, his nipples getting hard and sensitive… Trying to hold a moan, he felt the next change now on his face. Its format was changing, together with his lips and eyelashes. His chin got smaller, his lips plumped and his eyelashes got longer, as if he has used feminine make up. And soon, his eyes got covered by his hair, that was also tingling his petite shoulders as it grew in an uncommon speed. With the two mounds of flesh on his chest still growing, now with the size of A cup breasts, Mitchel looked like a flat chested woman. He let a feminine “KYA!” escape when he felt his back arching, whilst his hips suddenly expanded. Now, three changes were happening at the same time. As he felt his butt expanding with a bubbling sensation, the mounds of flesh on his chest (that could now be proudly called breasts) were passing the C cup size and his manhood was changing. First, his butt finished expanding, finishing in a sexy and swaying heart shaped ass, that matched with his feminine wide hips. Next, his penis not only get sucked to the inner of his body after some time shrinking, also a vagine appeared to take its place, between the plump legs of the new girl. And, last but not less important, her breasts stopped growing, but only after ripping out of her Santa’s cloth, making her scream with her new girly voice and hold the two jiggly huge EE cup breasts that were now flashing to the entire row. Some parents, desperate, covered the eyes of their children. The ashamed new girl turned her head to face the fairy. -WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?- -Okay, let me explain! To pay for all the evil you did, you’ll now live your life to attend people’s wishes. This is your body for now on and, during christmas week, you will be forced to do everything people ask you and do with them everything they want! Such as play with children and helping old ladies to cross the streets. If someone requests you to do something to helps the person, you won’t be able to deny. Here, this will help!- A sign appeared in the front of the girl where it was possible to read “I will do anything you request me to make you happy!”. -B-But why this body? Why did you change my gender?- -Oh, you are so beautiful and so attracting with this body… This will only helps to spread joy! Living as a woman is the price you have to pay for what you have done! Now, I gotta take care of other things. Goodbye, young lady and good luck with your new life!- The fairy said, getting invisible once again and disappearing, leaving the girl holding and covering her breasts with one arm and her clothes with the other one. Without option, she looked afraid to the row. What was scaring her was that the fairy was a bit innocent… Now that the adults heard the fairy’s words, they were looking to the new girl with much interest. At least, she would turn christmas great to a lot of people. And even to her, after some time...

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