watch out for the silent type

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Shane was a confident and manipulative male. The kind of guy who acted like he was a girls "best guy-friend" . He was cunning, that was for sure; he had figured out the perfect way to get what he wanted out of a female - playing the sympathetic male that was entirely uninterested in a relationship. Genius right? What better way could have existed? None if you asked him.

It was a masterpiece of planning that allowed Shane to get what he wanted. The guy was a real pervert in disguise. Once he had befriended a girl who had appeared weak and dependent of a friend, he'd turn on her and take what he lusted for. They couldn't even fight their new enemy -- by that point, Shane had already learned all of their secrets. If they even said a word about what he had done, then he would have everything he needed to ruin them. Shane was virtually on a rampage that couldn't be contained.

Or so he thought...

There was one girl in his class that always sat by herself. She hardly ever even said anything except when forced. Most regarded her as the silent one that always kept to herself.

If it wasn't for the fact she absolutely gorgeous, and had a body that made Shane go wild by mere sight; then he probably would have never bothered her. Indeed Alison was beautiful, and had developed obviously. It was torture that she never talked, never got close to anybody.. That mean't he could never take advantage of her.

No. Shane couldn't accept it. He wasn't going to let a simple shy attitude keep him away from grasping that chest of her's. She was going to be bent to his disgusting desires no matter what; that was fact. He was going to make her his.

Soon enough, when everybody was leaving school one evening. Shane found Alison isolated in the room, carefully loading her supplies into a folder-case. A smirk crossed upon his lips. The perfect opportunity had finally arrived. As she was about to leave, Shane walked into the room nonchalantly; making an obvious gesture toward her.

Not a single glance came his way.

Shane grit his teeth, and spoke up. "Hey. Alison. Just the girl I was looking for." An ironic thing to say considering his intentions. However Alison halted in her tracks at the mention of her name, giving Shane the chance to close her in.

"I noticed you don't seem to talk much. You're always so quit," he began; flipping his hair for effect. "You know.. I don't understand why you always like being alone. You seem pretty nice to me." He cracked a smile.

She only stared at him, as if he wasn't even speaking to her.

Shane narrowed his eyes this time. What was this girls problem? He was clearly talking to her.

"Hey. I just wanna be friends you know. No need to be so shy." He had moved closer to her now, continuing his perverted attempt of gaining her friendship. Though, now he was beginning to get frustrated.

Alison still remained just as quiet. Basically ignoring him entirely. As if she was insulting him.

That was it for Shane. She had ears, and could definitely hear what he was saying. At this point she was just doing on purpose.

"Look you quiet little freak. I'm offering to give you attention. Nobody else is clearly going to do that! So you might as well just open you mouth and say something."

Alison's gaze lifted up toward Shane's and she stared him directly in the eye. But not one word came out of her mouth.

"You know what. Screw this!" Shane shouted, his own lust and desperation taking control of him. "There's nobody around! So I'll just take it!"

His hands went for her shoulders, as a look of satisfaction appeared on his face. He was so close to touching that body of her's.. so damn close. It was right in his grasp- But then suddenly, he was staring at.. himself.

Shane's eyes widened. What.. Just happened? He was just about to grab her.. Wait. He slowly raised his hands, and felt of himself. Something was weird. His body felt curvier and more petite; his hands also felt a lot smaller. There was also a strange weight on his chest.

"Alison where are you..?"

Shane's heart sunk when he heard his own words, and realized who had just said them. Suddenly it all came crashing down in a big realization.

He was Alison.

"I've been aware of what you've done to other girls," came the smirky voice of Shane's original body. Alison was giving him a cocky grin, and feeling of her new assets. "To be honest I was jealous. You don't understand how it is being a girl who can't control herself around guys.. and yet doesn't want them either." She flashed him a gaze, marveling at Shane's dumbfounded expression. "I'm glad you confronted me. I knew would eventually.. You gave me the perfect opportunity to have what I really wanted. I appreciate it."

With that Alison turned around and walked away. Leaving Shane trapped in her body.

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