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"And don't you ever rat me out again!"


A long sigh could be heard from inside the dumpster. As pitiful as it sounded, Mark was just about used to the smell by now. Aw, who was he kidding; it was pathetic. He had been thrown into this particular dumpster so many times, it was probably his most visited locale in town. For once, he actually wished that the bullies would choose a different dumpster, just so he would at least know what they were like and compare the various experiences. Heh, Mark actually got a small chuckle from himself from that thought. After all, there wasn't anything new about the situation. It was just another Saturday afternoon.

To explain: Mark was a freshman in high school, meaning he was fresh with enthusiasm. Really, you could hardly find such an idealistic fellow anywhere else, much less at a high school. As you saw, he could get used to the constant abuse brought to him by others, mainly because he was never one to hold a grudge. He simply decided to tell the teacher that Kevin Green, who only just happened to be one of his greatest harassers, that he was cheating on his Spanish test. It was against the boy's basic moral structure to just let that slide! It's not that he had any personal animosity towards Kevin, as much as he should, but he couldn't resist doing what he felt was right, even at the expense of angering the largest senior at school. Even if he was literally down in the dumps, Mark just always looked on the bright side of life.

"Oh, what's this?" he chirped to himself as he found two small, flower-shaped hairpins within the dumpster. "Who on earth would throw these away? I'm sure my cousin would love these!" As he climbed out of the dumpster, he suddenly got a funny idea. It wasn't for anyone else's amusement other than his own, but the thought made Mark chuckle to himself, so it was worth doing just for the heck of it. Carefully, he applied the hairpins on each side of his short, brown hair. He couldn't see himself, but he figured he looked pretty funny, which was enough to make him smile on his way home.

On the way, Mark began to feel oddly...limber. He was never the most fit he was usually dead last running laps in gym and ready to pass out by the time he was done. It wan't that he was fat, he was actually quite skinny. It was that he wasn't the best at using his body and had little real strength or endurance. All those details aside, the point was that he was feeling rather nimbler now than ever since he was a little kid! It was a shame that his home was so nearby, because he felt like he could run a marathon at this point! He'd never been able to do so, on account of his overall out-of-shapedness, but he felt like he could run a mile nine times around by now. Now that he thought about it, the park was kinda close to his house...

"Eh, why not take the long way?" he laughed while changing his route to go towards the park. "Ah, it is quite beautiful today." Mark looked all around at the beautiful scenery the park entailed whilst stretching out his new limbs. Among the first set of sights he sighted was a small bush of assorted berries. Of course, he had to bend over to get a good look at them, but in doing so, some things occurred. Not only was Mark's spine more elastic than ever before, allowing him to bend down further, but other areas of spine placement began to change. First of all, his butt began to gain more fat, but not in a fat kind of way. Instead, it simply became larger, more plump, and more firm. Point is, it looked more like a cushion now, and for whatever reason, he felt as if it could be used as such now. In order to support this new butt, however, his waist had to expand some, with the rest of his torso curving itself for good measure as well.

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