A wish

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Albert, a 24 year old, didn't really see the point of St. Patrick's Day despite the fact that he was Irish-American. His parents and the rest of his family got into the holiday, some in which went to the extreme but still celebrated it nonetheless. Even though he hated getting pinched from his younger sister and his friends, he still wouldn't join in.

One day, actually a day from the holiday, his dad's friend came over to start celebrating a little early. He helped set the house up for party they were going to have the next. His name was Patrick, in honor of the great saint himself, so he says that his parents named him. When Pat saw Albert sitting in the corner of the living room glowering at all that was going on, he walked over to the young man.

"Hey there lad, why so pissed off? Got no lady friend to get yer lucky charms?" Pat asked in his rich Irish accent with a chuckle and a wink.

"F off Pat. I don't give a damn about this stupid holiday." Albert snapped out.

"Albert! There's no way to talk to my friend! Apologize!" His dad said because he was on the other side of the room.

"No, no George, it's all right, the boy has is opinion on things and he's old enough to have them. Kin' of hurt though, true enough, but his opinion nonetheless." Pat said, then looking back to Albert and reached into his pocket, saying, "Here's something for ye to think about. It's a gold coin that my grandfather had given me the last time I saw him, God rest his soul, that man. This coin has been in my family since the time of St. Patrick himself, so I'd like to have it back tomorrow."

With that, Pat said bye to the others with the promise of returning the next day to get the celebrations fired up, and left. Albert stared bewilderedly at the coin, which had a man's face on one side and a strange looking horse on the other.

"Don't you go losing that, you hear me, boy? You may be 24 and think you're a man, but you're still my son. I'm actually quite ashamed of your behavior." George said, returning to the kitchen to set up his bar for the event.

"Yeah, sorry, I'll just go to my apartment now. See you tomorrow." Albert said as he got up and left, sticking the coin in his pocket.

That evening, when Albert got to his one room apartment, he laid down on his bed and stared at the coin more. He turned it over and over, trying to find out what Pat wanted him to think about. Close to getting mad again, and wanting to throw it out of his hands, he said, "I wish I could have a different point of view of view of this holiday, maybe I'll know why he gave me this thing."

He just so happened to have the side of man's face towards him when he said that, when the face's eye blinked. Then a gold and green waving aura emitted from the coin, Albert passed out, and coin fell on his neck. Unbeknownst to him, the coin was granting him his wish.
The next day, he woke with a start, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Not noticing his changes yet, he got up and started some coffee and threw off his clothes he wore the day before, and climbed into the shower half asleep. After turning on the shower, jets of hot water hit his new sensitive, smooth skin giving him a shock. Still not noticing the changes, he just turned the heat down and started his normal routine.

Albert had his eyes closed because of the water started with his hair, which used to dark brown and as long as to his ears, now was light brown and down to his mid back. His mind was still clouded, so he just thought we was doing his hair more than normal. Once done, he reached for the bath sponge and body wash.

He began on his chest, to him seemed fine at first because he was a cross fit athlete, until he got down to his nipples. Pulses of pleasure courses through his body as he went over them with the sponge. Yet he still had his mind clouded, so he continued washing.

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