3 in one passing through

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Spirited Away
A young man learns astral projection and uses it to explore the women in his neighborhood, including the Latina next door and his friend’s mom.

Sloppy Seconds
A bodyhopper tries to salvage a woman’s life after discovering a previous bodyhopper has ruthlessly tried to ruin her.

Exploring Her Innocence
An older man uses a magic ring to enter the body of his rival’s niece for a week, and finds himself irresistibly drawn to “his” cousin.

Ricky thought astral projection was a bunch of made up hocus-pocus, but that didn’t stop him from trying it. He’d been fantasizing about possessing a woman and exploring a feminine body from the inside for as long as he could remember. Ricky was nearly obsessed with stories of people possessing others for their own pleasure. It sometimes even intruded on his daydreams. He’d be sitting in class, bored, and would find himself fantasizing about what he would do if he could suddenly jump out of his body and into one of his classmates, or even one of his prettier teachers. How would people act differently around him from another person’s skin? What would it feel like to walk around in someone else’s body? To touch and caress his own soft feminine form? Ricky had to cut those thoughts off quickly when he was in school; no way was he going to risk getting called on and having to do the walk of shame to the blackboard with an erection tent-poling his pants. But in the privacy of his own room he let his imagination run wild. What if there were a way?

It was during one of those fantasizing/yearning afternoons that Ricky stumbled upon an internet forum purporting to teach people how to astral project. Logically, Ricky knew this was ridiculous, impossible. Astral projection was just a convenient narrative vehicle to enable the protagonist of a story to slip into another body.

And yet…what could it hurt to try?

The instructions required some practice in meditation and the keeping of a ‘Dream Journal’ in which Ricky would write down his dreams and his state of mind the night before in order to establish a pattern of mindful alertness. It felt new age-y and weird, like when his mom suddenly started getting into crystal therapy. Nevertheless, Ricky gave it a shot, making sure to keep his dream journal well hidden from his older brother.

The first week was, in fact, new age-y and weird as Ricky practiced meditating before bed. He awoke the next day maybe a little more refreshed than usual, but still rooted to his own body. About mid-way through week two, just when he was about to give up, he started to have some success.

Ricky had finished his meditation and was lying on his bed with his eyes closed while picturing his spirit form rising out of his body, almost trying to will himself to disconnect from his corporeal form. The only outcome of his exercises up until this point had been a deep sleep. In fact, he was almost on the cusp of sleep when he suddenly felt lighter, like a great weight had fallen away. He opened his eyes and looked at one of his arms, spread out on the bed. Emanating from it was a faint bluish-gray glow, the mere sliver of what might have been the ghostly form of his own arm. And then he was sucked back into his body and jolted fully awake.

Ricky sat up and stared at his arm, curling the fingers of his hand. He was in his body now. Was he ever out of it? It had felt so real, but maybe it was just a dream. He documented everything in his dream journal, feeling a little less silly about the whole thing now that there was the possibility it was real.

The final breakthrough came a week later, again just as Ricky was ready to give up. He was in his meditative state, trying to will himself up and out when he felt the lightness again. This time he held his eyes closed, concentrated on pushing his spirit form up. He was conscious of a sensation of rising as the weight dropped away from him. He held onto this feeling for a few seconds until he felt confident he could hold it. Then he opened his eyes.

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