treading face 2

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'Sakura' was ecstatic at the outcome of the situation. The body in which just a minute ago was occupied by its rightful owner was getting felt up by 'herself'. Naruto, who was presently in said body, was blinking his now jade green eyes in disbelief, grabbing fistfuls of cherry blossom pink hair, and running his newly acquired small hands all over his silky smooth skin.

'Naruto' was shocked to say the least. Looking at the mirror 'he' started making poses stretching and flexing for a few minutes. Not paying attention to her surroundings Sakura ran her calloused hands through her short blonde hair, and then she started stroking her whisker scar marks on her cheeks.

Sakura whispered to herself "Wow Naruto has a really amazing body he looks really handsome despite his goofy personality." She then felt up her arms and her biceps were firm to the touch.

Sakura then tried to adjust her voice to match Naruto's body. She said "Testing. This is tough to get the hang of...I got it." She continued her speech "Wow this is so strange I sound just like Naruto. Hi I'm Naruto Uzumaki I hate ramen and Sasuke is so much cooler than me! Ha this is hilarious!"

Still in admiration about her newly acquired muscle mass Sakura continued to run her hands all over her rock hard abs. Sakura then resumed her exploration of her teammate's body before uttering "I wonder if Naruto is small after Sai constantly telling the world that he is.." Sakura thought unable to suppress her hidden perversion "Yeah I'm doing Naruto a favor I'm sure he wouldn't mind me giving him a checkup."

Sakura then lifted up the towel around her waist, and looked down at her new male part gasping in surprise seeing how big it was. The female turned male fainted, with blood gushing out of her nose.

Naruto continued with the examination of his new body. Feeling brave, he brought his hands up to his chest and grabbed his breasts. "Oh wow Sakura has a much bigger chest than I thought she had! These are amazing!" Naruto exclaimed still in admiration of Sakura's assets.

He started bouncing them up and down a dozen times and squeezed for about a minute. Then after poking his boobs for a last time, he lifted up his red vest peeked down at his cleavage. "Aww yeaah!" Naruto perversely laughed grinning inside his female teamate's body.

Suddenly remembering he was in Sakura's body Naruto realized Sakura could be in his body. Naruto went to the mirror and started practicing Sakura's voice so people would not get suspicious about 'Sakura' having a deep voice. Naruto said "Hi I am Sakura Haruno of the Hidden Leaf..." Naruto correctly transitioned into Sakura's voice being indistinguishable from her real voice "There I have Sakura's voice now this is awesome!

Feeling funny, Naruto started to say some things that Sakura wouldn't get caught dead saying "Hi I'm Sakura I am Naruto's girlfriend and he is the most amazing ninja ever! Sasuke can kiss my ass all he wants but we both know how cool Naruto is. Hahahahaha this is amazing! Oh man this is fun but I have to go."

Naruto left the house he was in and started to run through the streets. Not being used to his new center of gravity, Naruto clumsily took his first few paces before his boots met a pebble and he tripped. His face met the ground and Naruto groaned in pain. "Wow does Sakura have that low of a pain threshold I've been though much worse than that but it just felt like a train hit me right now." Naruto thought "I better get used to Sakura's center of gravity her body and her boots are so tough to run in."

Naruto continued to walk to his house, albeit very in a very masculine fashion . He quickly made it to his house and burst through his door. As he made it to his bathroom he saw his body passed out with a nosebleed. Assuming that was Sakura in Naruto's body, Naruto thought "Oh man Sakura is passed out maybe I can fix this before she ever wakes up. I have to find Ino before Sakura wakes up and skins me alive!"

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