now I'm the sexy babe

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It was a rainy day in LA, a rare one, but still there. Most kids were locked inside with nothing to do because of the power outages that were caused by the storm. Kellen was one of the way unluckier kids. his sister was a bitch(But also really hot), so for her entertainment she decided to make Kellen prance around the room wearing her clothes "Sidney this isn't funny anymore! It never was" Kellen pouted with an angry embarrassed face "Awww look at you, You look so pretty HAHA!" Sidney laughed as she put lipstick on Kellen "I'm not joking Sidney, How would you feel if you were stuck as a boy!" Kellen said with fire in his eyes as lightning struck seemingly closer to their house "But that's not the case Kellen, I'm a sexy Babe and I get. what. I. want." Sidney said stepping closer and closer to Kellen "This isn't fair!!" Kellen screeched before Lightning struck the middle of their house causing static to float around their bodies. Suddenly Kellens chest felt as if it was expanding rapidly, Bronzing his skin as well. His legs had pooped out to be plump whore-y legs. His eyes had shifted curving inwards, black mascara surrounding them. he felt his lips tingle and swell like a bee had stung them. he had felt a massive pain in his lower region. Like there was someone else inside his body pulling his dick inside of him. while all this was going on he had looked up and noticed that Sidney had become a fat, short, albino. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Sidney screeched obviously unhappy with her appearance as the clouds suddenly faded away. Kellen admired himself up and down, Puckering his lips and giving his ass a nice firm smack. "I don't know what the hell just happened Sidney, But I- I think I'm hotter than you ever were" Kellen said pushing his cleavage out of his newfound clothes. "NONONONONONO WE HAVE TO CHANGE EACH OTHER BACK" Sidney said in disbelief. "Ummmm No. listen here.....Sid, yeah Sid that'll be your name now, i'm staying like this and so are you. Because i'm a sexy babe and I get what I want." Kellen said putting her hands down and smiling. "Here's the deal, I'm Kelley now, give me your phone so I can text some boys MK?" said Kelley in a demanding bitchy tone as Sid complied out of fear "Oooooo Jason looks hawt, let's text him" Kelley said as her mind was obviously affected by the change as well "Hey babe, This is Kelley Sidney's friend, she's out of town and I'm really lonely... can you come over?" texted Kelley as she handed the phone to Side for him to take a picture of her for Jason.

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