You shouldn't be wearing those

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Alex loved his wife, Lauren, very much. He loved how round and curvy she was. He also loved how slutty she dresses. This benefits Alex because he has a weird desire of dressing in women's clothes. So when Lauren went to work at the strip club, Alex made his move.

This was Alex's first time dressing up in real life, not just in his mind. So as soon as Lauren left the house in the morning, Alex ran upstairs and into their bedroom. 

Alex stripped off all of his clothes and looked inside Lauren's half of the closet. He decided on a pair of red panties, so he picked them up out of her closet, sliding them up his legs and round his waist. The bulge in the panties made him feel weird at first, but he got used to it.

After thinking that this was enough for his first time, a matching red nightgown caught his attention, and he couldn't resist putting that on too. 

Alex looked in the mirror, noticing how tight he felt in the panties and nightgown felt on him, but he felt right, he wanted to stay like this all day. So he put on his original clothes over Lauren's clothes so when she got home she wouldn't think Alex's is a tranny of some sort.

As it passes 21:00 Lauren walked through the door, she went upstairs to find Alex tidying up their room.

Lauren: Awww Alex, you're so nice, I'm going to get my pyjamas on, my feet are killing me, stupid 8 inch heels.

Alex: Ok habe, love you.

Alex could feel the clothes feeling tighter than this morning. He felt numb with not being used to wearing such tight clothing. As he complained to himself in his mind he could also see Lauren rooting in her drawer vigorously. 

Lauren: Hey babe, gave you seen my red nightgown, I put it in here this morning, and my red panties, they seem to have gone missing too.

Alex: No, sorry babe. Haven't seem them.

Lauren turned around to keep rooting in her drawers but Alex was shivering. "Lauren wasn't going to suspect that Alex was wearing them" Alex realised as he started to calm dowm. But as soon as he looked down again, he saw that his clothes had dissapeared, leaving him in Lauren's nightwear. Alex gasped loudly and Lauren turned around to see why.

Lauren: So you had them! You're such a creep! 

Alex: No, Lauren, I can explain.

Just as Alex finished his sentence his body started to feel weird, with all of his body hair falling off him except the hair on his head, which grew to his waist and turned black. His thighs thickened to immense proportions as his butt did the same, with the panties riding up his arse and making his dick feel even more numb than it already was.

Alex: Lauren! Help me!

Lauren: I don't know what's happening, but I don't think I should, after stealing my clothes I think I should let magic do it's thing.

Alex's waist began to shrink as his hips expanded outwards to child bearing sizes. His shoulders narrowed as his chest began to expand, starting from an A, quickly koving to a B, then a C, then a D, and finally stopping at an E. His nipples tripled in size and became 10 times more sensitive than before, his hands shrank as he reached up to touch one of his breasts, making him moan with pleasure. His face then became smooth as his eyes turned green, his nose becamd dainty and his lips poofed up and red lipstick was applied. Finally his 7 inch penis became fully erect from all the pleasure, but started to shrink until it became a hole, waiting to be filled. His testicles were forced into him, forming ovaries. Lauren was stood there in amazement. 

Lauren: Alex! Are you alright? What happened? 

Alex: Who's Alex, I'm Emma and I need you to fill me until I cum.

Lauren" I can't fill you, I'm a woma...

All of a sudden Lauren felt something form inside her panties, she looked inside to find a pair of testicles had formed. As she could also see something emerging from her vagina, an 8 inch penis. Lauren gulped in horror as she wondered what would change next. But to her suprise, nothing else happened.

Lauren: What am I going to do? I cant live the rest of my life as a woman with a dick...

Alex: Fill me and you might go back to normal.

Alex climbed on the bed, as she stared at Lauren with a horny look, and a quick bolt struck Lauren's mind as she also began to deel horny, she began to remove Alex's panties, along with her's, letting her cock get some fresh air. She climbed onto Alex as she shoved her 8 inch into Alex's void. Alex screamed in pleasure as Lauren began squeezing Alex's boobs, and Alex squeezing Lauren's boobs. Soon both let out a load of cum all over each other and they both collapsed.

The next jorning Lauren woke up and saw Alex sleeping, remembering what happened last night she looked down and still saw the massive cock attached to her, she tried to pull it off but it wouldn't budge, in fact she noticed it grew an inch bigger.

Lauren: I guess this is my life now...

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