eyes on the prize

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   “Hey Jim, do you have a minute?”

   I walk up to my friend, Todd, while heading to Study Hall.

   “Sure, man.  What is it?”

   “Well,” he begins, “You know that bet I made with Anderson?  Well, I still sorta owe him.  Can you, you know, bail me out?”  I sigh.  “It depends.  What do you want me to do?”  Todd starts to nervously shift his eyes.  “Well, it involves going into the girl’s locker room…” 

   “What? No, dude, I-”  “Listen man,” Todd counters, “A bet is still a bet, no matter how much of a pervert Anderson is.  Dude, look, if I get in trouble again, then my mom will kill me.”  I think this over.  “Okay, even if I was in on this, how would I get past Mrs. Beatty?”  Todd smiles.  “I already thought of that.”  “Okay,” I concede, “I’m in.”

   “Great!” Todd exclaims, “Now, what I need you to do is go into the locker room and plant this letter in Sherrie Hill’s locker.”  He reaches out and hands it to me.  “What does it say?” I ask.  Todd looks at me and shrugs.  “I don’t know Jim, maybe it’s a fake love letter, or blackmail, maybe even a subpoena for Christ’s sake, does it really matter?”  I shake my head.  “I guess not.”  “Now,” Todd replies, “Meet me by the locker room at 11:20, that’s when we do it.”
   I nervously tap my pencil on my desk as I stare at the clock.  When it’s around 11:16, I get up and I ask to use the restroom.  “Sure thing, Jim,” Mr. Clay says, “Make sure to be back before the bell rings, though.”  I slip out of the room and I head to the gym.

   Todd greets me at the doorway when I arrive.  “Great, you made it!” he says, “Okay, hide in that closet, and I’ll make the magic happen.”  I stow away in the closet as Todd pulls something out of his pocket.  “Thank god security cameras weren’t in the budget,” I hear him say.  I hear a loud BANG, as if a firecracker went off, and I hear Todd running away.  A door opens up and I hear a woman shout, “WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!”  Mrs. Beatty then runs down the hall after where she thinks Todd is.  I am alone.

   I quickly leave the closet and I walk into the girl’s locker room.  Thankfully, it’s empty.  I take out the letter and I check out the cover.  “Locker 314.”  I go down the aisles until I reach 300-400.  I quickly walk down to 314 and I slip the note into the locker.  Before I go, though, I notice that it’s slightly ajar.  Curious, I open it.  Besides the letter, there’s nothing other than a set of gym clothes and a pair of panties.  An idea formulates in my head.  You know, don’t I deserve a reward for planting this letter?   After all, Anderson would probably be the one who is blamed.  Shrugging, I take the panties for myself.

   As I begin to walk out, I start to feel tired.  I sit down and rub my head.  Am I coming down with a fever?  I look at my hand and I narrow my eyes.  That’s funny, it looks smaller.  I almost nod it off until I realize that it IS smaller.  I grab it with my other hand and I’m shocked that the other one is smaller too.  I gasp when I see my finger nails extend.  Surprised, I rub my eyes.  I don’t get to my eyes, though, as I intercept my hair growing over my face.

   I shoot to my feet as my hair follows suit.  It doesn’t stop growing until it reaches just above my knees.  At the same time, the rest of my body hair shoots into my skin.  I try to get up and leave, but for some reason I can barely move.  I cry out as my shoulders shove into my body.  My arms also grow smaller.  I feel them and I’m surprised by how soft they are.  My slight exploration ends, however, as my waist caves itself in.  As if it were squeezing my body out of a tube, my hips expand.  I then feel myself grow shorter by about five inches.  I feel my pants grow tighter as my butt expands outward.

   My clothes then start to change, starting with my pants.  They shrink down into shorts and band together.  I’m shocked as the material changes from denim to plaid. It then expands outwards, forming a skirt.  I blush as I feel air rushing up my legs.  I don’t have any time to elaborate, though, as my boxers begin to shrink.  They grab my groin and constrict, almost cutting off my circulation.  I double over in pain as I feel my crotch being pulled inwards.  Though it was brief, the pain was terrible.  Coming back to my senses, I feel under my new pair of panties (ironic, isn’t it), but there’s nothing except a patch of skin.

   My shirt begins to change, too.  The lower half of it tightens around my newly slimmed waist, while the upper part sort of expands.  A bra then begins to form under the shirt, over my chest.  I’m confused, thinking it’s over, until my chest erupts.  Two mounds of flesh protrude into my bra until they grow into D size breasts.  I moan, feeling all sorts of emotions at once.  Dazed, I look down at myself, at my body, and I faint.
   I wake up not sure of where I am.  I look around, and I realize I’m on my bus.  I’m about to laugh at my crazy dream, until I look down.  I see a pair of breasts winking at me.  I almost scream until I realize that I don’t want to draw attention.  I look around and everything seems normal.  I quickly take my phone out of what I think is my purse and I browse the pictures.  It’s odd, because every single one of them has a picture of Sherrie Hill on them.  It takes me a few seconds to figure out why.  “Wait a sec…”   I quickly switch to the camera setting and I gasp.  Holy shit, I’M Sherrie Hill!

   How the hell did this happen?  How did I turn into the hottest, sexiest girl in my school?  Hell, just looking at my body is making me horny!  I think back to when I claimed her, well, MY panties as a prize.  Crap, that’s probably what happened.  I still don’t know how, but I guess I know why.  Anyway, if I’m Sherrie, then what happened to me?  Do I not exist?  Is Sherrie in my body?  Am I in some weird, messed up alternate universe?  I ponder these thoughts as I ride the rest of the way down to school.
   I get off my bus and I walk to class.  I realize that this is the same morning of the day I went into the locker room.  As I walk down the hallway, I can’t help but notice all of the stares I am getting.  Sure, before I wasn’t a nobody, but still, I was never, like, the top of the food chain.

   I sit down in my Study Hall seat, and sure enough, Jim, or I, is not in the class.  A girl sits next to me, and I recognize her as Sherrie’s friend, Janet.  “So, Sherrie, how did it feel to ride the bus this morning?”  “Huh?” “You know,” Janet shrugs, “Remember when your daddy took away your keys when you slept with Ryan last week?”  

   I’m about to jump out of my seat.  I slept with a dude!?  I mean, I know that wasn’t really me, but, I slept with a dude!?  I try to compose myself.  “I know, right?  Just because I’m not his little girl anymore doesn’t mean he has to intrude on my life!”  I smile to myself, impressed.  I totally don’t know where that outburst came from.  Janet giggles, “You go girl!”  We talk for the rest of the period about the most random things.  Though I don’t notice it, I slowly become more comfortable about my new life and body.
   By the time Study Hall is over, I’m practically settled in.  We walk to the gym to get changed, giggling every time we pass by a hot guy.  I even don’t bother to fight these new urges that come over me anymore.  After all, what’s the point?  We enter the locker room and we start to change.  As I’m putting my gym shorts on, I notice a letter inside the locker.  It’s from Anderson.  It says:

   Dear Sherrie:  Meet me by the flagpole by the end of the day if you don’t want these going on the internet.

   I turn the card over and I’m shocked to see a picture of myself in bed with Ryan.  I remember how much of a crush Anderson had on Sherrie and how many times she turned him down.  I then remember that he was at the same party where Sherrie, well, I did it with Ryan.  I put the letter away and frown.


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