Chapter 3- The Guardians

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One by one the guardians entered the arena. It was quite fast after Shalltear arrived.

When Shalltear first entered, she bickered with Aura. I had so many questions, but I️ was having enough of a headache with the rest of this world so I just let them go.

Shalltear noticed me and Momonga standing in silence. She quickly changed her attitude and stopped her argument. She walked to us elegantly and bowed.

Shalltear: My lords Momonga and Sonus, it is an honor to see you both again!

I had mixed emotions about this.

She looked up at us. She was blushing. She acted somewhat like Albedo earlier. It freaked me out a little. Luckily, I️ didn't show it.

I️ didn't really know how to handle the situation, so I️ did what I️ thought a ruler would do.

Sonus: Uh, Yes. It is good to see you again as well, Shalltear.

I️ looked to Momonga for help, but he was looking down at her, probably thinking.

Shalltear continued to bow, I could tell she was expecting something.

What would a real ruler do?

I️n the heat of the moment, I️ decided to do something I saw in a show one time. I reached out to her and patted her head.

I️ paused after a second. This felt way too awkward. Where had I seen this before?!

What am I️ doing!?!?

I took my hand away from her head. She started to shake as I took my hand away. I could have sworn I saw her cheeks grow bright red.  Did I  break the AI?

I️ had no idea what was going on. I tried to turn to Momonga for help, but he gave me the stare of " what is wrong with you?"

As I️ was about to respond, I️ heard the sound of another gate opening.

The next person to enter was Albedo. She smiled as she walked up to Momonga and I️.

Albedo: The others shall arrive soon, my lords.

Almost as if on cue another gate opened a few seconds after. A huge blue insect-like a monster walked out.  His name was Cocytus. He was another floor guardian.  Cocytus had four arms, his left hands held a giant staff. His four eyes were completely blue so you could never tell where he was looking. He gave off a chilly feeling.  I could never forget a creature like that.

Cocytus: My. Masters. I️. Have. Arrived. As. Requested.

He took heavy breaks in between his words. I couldn't tell if that was in his programming or if it was because of his cold attributes.

The next gate to open was smaller then Cocytus's gate. The man who walked through looked normal, but wasn't exactly human.

He wore an orange business suit with a bright orange tie. He wore glasses and his hair was put up. He always had a thin smile on. His name was Demiurge.

Demiurge: Am I️ the last to arrive? No, we are still waiting.

He was right. There was one last guardian. I️ was confused at first, but slowly realized who it was. A gate opened to the right of us. It was about the size of Demiurge's gate.

Out walked another. They wore smooth metallic armor. The armor was a gray color. Antennas poked out of there back and flashed colors as he moved. They had only one red eye connected to only its neck. Their hands were behind there back as he walked towards us. It wasn't human. It was a machine.

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