Chapter 11 -The Duties Of A Floor Guardian

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Verinx-01 walked the halls of the third floor of the great tomb of Nazarick. The floor was mostly that of a maze of ruins, moving in all directions. He had learned the layout and as the floor guardian, knew the location of everything and all things living on the floor. This floor mostly looked empty, with the undead walking the halls only occasionally. Verinx had many jobs as the floor guardian and was on his way to his first job of the day.

Verinx walked down a dusty, old hallway. The ground was made of worn out stone and the walls had holes big enough for a human body. Skeletons sometimes lay in them, ready to spring a trap on any trespassers.

As he walked, Verinx thought of the layout of the floor and followed his path accordingly.

After walking for a short time, he came across a empty hole in the wall. It looked the same as all the others, Except for one difference, This one had small holes spread across its surface. It was the perfect secret.

Verinx held out his hand and his mechanical fingers stretched out into the hole. All five of his left hands fingers fit perfectly into each hole inside the wall, and suddenly a loud crack could be heard. He retracted his fingers as the wall started to move.

It opened, showing a sizable room. The room was filled with mechanical marvels and technology like nowhere else in the tomb. The entire area was made with metallic flooring and walls. Steam pipped out of pipes and machines that were all across the room. Verinx walked inside calmly.

He stopped at the entrance right in front of the doors. He waited for a few moments, until he could hear the gears moving around him.

From all around the room, machines started to move. It was mostly small machines hidden in plain sight, except a few bigger machines started to stand. Slowly, machines of all sizes gathered around him.

Verinx: I request to speak with the unit leaders in approximately three seconds.

The Machines started to shuffle around, some ran off to the back of the group while some stood in front. The machines made a orderly line in front of him. Three units stood above the others, all different sizes. They were also created by his master, Lord Sonus.

Verinx turned to the first unit in line. It was a small machines. It had one eye attached to a pole and four spider like legs. It was very tiny compared to the others. It barley was the size of his knee. He looked down at the unit.

Verinx: Surveillance captain 11-1. How are Floors 1 and 2?


Verinx: What is the state of the 4th floor?


Verinx was a very hard worker. He knew that only the hardest work could be considered satisfactory. Even though he knew the other floors were guarded by strong individuals, Lady Shalltear and Gargantua, but he needed to have extra safety precautions in place.

He turned to the next machine in line. This robot was up to his neck in height. It looked more human than the rest. The only key difference was that this machine had clawed fingers. Its face was unmoving and its mouth was replaced with a robotic smile. Its eyes looked up at its commander and saluted.

Verinx:  Construction Unit 22-0, What is the state of this floor.


Verinx turned away from the machine and looked up at the huge creature before him. It was by far the tallest and the strongest of all the Machines leaders. It had no facial features. It also had no weakness on its body. The huge robot had two strong sturdy legs and two even stronger arms, all could change into whatever was needed to help the situation. its body was a box like shape, but could also change depending on its needs. Its head was most like half a oval on top of his body.

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