V2 Chapter 4- The First Battle

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The next day Zaryusu, along with the remaining lizardmen forces, gathered together in the Green Claw tribes base.  The attack was said to be soon. They gathered there leaders and spoke breezily. There plans were set, and they prepared for the oncoming battle.

At first, the swamp lands were Silent. Nothing made a noise or moved, including the lizardmen. They stood in there positions, either behind newly placed wooden barriers or even in the front lines ready for battle.

The enemy emerged from the woods. All sorts of monsters, from skeletons to zombies, ran right for the lizards. In response, they charged as well. 

The battle started quick and seemed one sided. The Enemy, which had superior numbers, lacked strength. And the Lizardmen had there hope. They fought with all there might, easily pushing ahead of the enemy.

Through the woods emerged a group of skeleton riders, who, upon entering the swamplands, were quickly diminished thanks to newly placed traps.

Arrows rained from the shy as few Lizardmen fell. The archers hid behind the main attack group, but, they to were pushed back and slaughtered.

All of the chiefs watched from afar, ready to move in if needed. They talked among themselves as they watched the battle unfold.

Zenberu: This is ridiculous! There numbers keep falling easily.

Zaryusu: Could it be they don't have a commander?

Zenberu: So they think they just need greater numbers?

The leader of Green claw, Zaryusu's brother seemed dumbfounded.

Shasuryu: they truly thought us that weak....? They mock us!

Crusch: still, we should reduce there numbers as much as possible.

Zaryusu: Be patient, The enemies leader may still show themselves.

The battle raged on, while the enemies number drastically fell. soon, fire seemed to explode from the water. A spell.

Zaryusu knew immediately, this power was there leader.

Zaryusu wanted to charge into battle, but they would be killed instantly by the fire. He wondered what to do?

Rororo nuzzled against his shoulder and he came up with a idea.


The mage smiled as he fired spell after spell, killing the lizardmen one by one. He was a elder lich, created by Lord Ainz Ooal Goal himself, he looked like a old, withered man in a rob. His eyes were red and he smiled as he fired his fire magic.

he turned to see the red hydra charging toawrds him. Another target for practice.

Lich: You think a mere Beast can stop me?!? HA!

He fired a spell and it hit, but did litttle damage and the beast still charged.

Lich: Huh?! Die you pathetic creature!

He fired more and more yet it didn't stop. Finally as it neared him, he fire his most powerful fire spell and the creature finally fell.

As it fell, three new figures charged at him. They had flown off its back and onto the battlefield. One, a white lizard. Another was a large green lizard with  ahuge arm. And the third, a brown lizard holding a powerful ice weapon. 

Zaryusu: [Icy Burst]!

He slammed his ice weapon against the lake and the areas around the lich became frozen. 

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