Chapter 13- The First (Official) Quest

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We returned to the packed adventurers guild of Re-Estize the next day. Like usual, it was full of chatter and laughs. Me, Vor, Delta, and our newest member, Noc, entered quietly.

Since Noc was not human, he was forced to wear a old ragged cloak. It was light brown and covered his face, but his antlers poked the inside of the fiber.

Both Noc and Delta found a table to rest at while I spoke with the woman at the counter.

As I spoke, Vor flew off my shoulder and landed on Deltas head.Delta didn't seen to care. It was kind of cute.

I spoke with the woman at the counter to get another quest done. With the addition of Noc for extra strength, Delta and I would be fine.

As I spoke to the woman, she gave me quests that I could go on, but each one she recommended was weak. Slay Goblins, Gather Herbs, the weak missions.

Women: Well, we do have a slay contract for your rank......

A slay contract was usually for high level players in YGGDRASIL. It would be a abnormally high level monster running amok in a area it shouldn't have been in. These monster weren't strong, but they weren't weak either. Depending on the monster, it could be a tough challenge.

Specter: What are the details?

Killing one could help boost my reputation......

Woman: A unknown monster is growing in power nearby.

Not much info, but it could be worse. If Ains was here he would know what type of monster it could be.....

I pondered the thought of the monster as she continued to speak.

Woman: Usually, a platinum or higher would be on this, but all platinum are busy at the moment. So, three silver teams will go instead. Do you want to sign up?

Specter: Yes.

Joining this contract and getting done would not only help my reputation as a adventurer, but also help me learn what this world thinks of "Powerful" Monsters.

The woman smiled and quickly signed my team up. As she was writing down our name, she turned to me.

Woman: I'm sorry, but what is your official team name?

Crap, I forgot the most important part about being a adventurer!

I quickly thought about a name. It had to be cool, but not to evil. It had to sound hopeful, but not to happy.

Specter: Ah, of course. My team is team Ruin.

..... depressing. But, Well, at least its catchy?

The woman smiled again and wrote down my teams name on the contract. When she finished, she told me the other two teams were already here. They had a private table towards the front of the guild.

I nodded and turned away. Talking to people was getting easier. It seemed more normal to talk to creatures in this world.

I walked back to Delta and Noc. Vor noticed me and flew to my shoulder as I approached the table. I didn't sit down as I told them about what we were doing. They agreed, obviously, and we left the table for the meeting table.

We looked around for the table we were supposed to meet for a few moments. Then, I noticed a group of adventurers sitting next to the window at the front of the guild. They seemed to be the people we were looking for.

I calmly walked up to them. One of them noticed me approach. He was a big human. He wore fur jacket with what looked like regular shorts. He was bald.

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