V2 chapter 5- Royal Procession

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The Lizards victory over there first battle did not last long. A day had passed. And, after burying there dead and having little time to mourn, they had to prepare for the armies of undead to return.

The warriors stood strong behind there wooden spike barriers and in there formations. They waited for any sign of movement from the woods.

Crusch, Zaryusu, and Zenberu stood with the other leaders of the alliance. There tent was placed far behind the others.

The leaders worried for what was to come, and as if on cue, figures started to appear from the woods. Skeletons appeared, in a massively formed army. The tribes warriors stood ready to fight, but the skeletons armored started to slowly scare them.

All of the massive army had on gold magic enchanted armor. The amount of sheer magical gear was frightening. The lizardmen combined only had few.

The Skeletons split, forming a crack down the middle. Slowly, a figure came into view. From behind the horde of evils. A monster, a being of pure terror, arose.

It wore a huge purple robe with a golden staff. The monster was a skeleton. It was undead.

As it walked forward through the crowd, a purple mist followed. The figure reached the edge of the lake and stopped. It lifted its hand, revealing its bones for arms, and started to speak.

And in that instant the entire lake froze. The few lizardmen on the lake were stuck to the ice. They panicked and tried there best to move away from the lake to the higher ground.

In the distance, a large shadow appeared. It stepped forward, with each movement getting closer. The ground shook as it moved.

A huge monster of rock and gem walked forward. It was huge, even larger then the tree's. It reached down a picked up a huge bolder. It aimed and threw the rock into lake. The splash created a huge wave knocking against the ground where the lizards stood.

a new wave of weaker looking skeletons rushed out of the woods. They started to move behind the huge boulder, bending down and sitting on top of each other.

They created a staircase.

A wave of skeletons with flags bearing the sign of Ains Ooal Gown walked up the stairs of undead. They formed a line and raised the flags high.

One by one, figures walked to the top of the stairs. First, the Skeleton. Then, a large floating figure. It levitated behind the skeleton. The purple mist that surrounded the skeleton from before seemed to be emitting from the creature.

After those two, a beautiful women was next, then two elve children. A young women in a dress, and then a floating purple ball of some sort, the next was quite strange, and shined brightly with one slim eye, the last was a demon in a suit.

They gathered atop of the boulder and a throne appeared from thin air. They all stood next to it, except for the skeleton. It sat in the throne and looked quite annoyed. It flung its hand forward, and the floating clouds of faces flew towards the warriors.


He waved his boney hand and in that instant they were gone. All of the creatures were destroyed.

Zaryusu and Shasuryu were cautious at first, but agreed and took the walk towards the rock.

As they reached the boulder, they stopped and looked up at the figures sitting atop it.

Shasuryu: I am the lizardman representative, Shasuryu Shasha! And this is the mightiest of the lizardmen....

Zaryusu: Zaryusu Shasha!

The people above were silent.

Woman: Our master does not feel that your posture is acceptable. Demiurge?

The demon stepped forward.

Demiurge: [Prostrate Yourselves]!

The brothers were shoved face first into the ice. Now they could barley look up.

Demiurge:[Do not resist]!

Woman: Lord Ains, they have adopted a acceptable listening posture.

Ains: Good. Now lift there heads.

there heads were freed, and they looked upward.

Ains: I am the master of the great tomb of Nazarick, Ains Ooal Gown. First, I express gratitude for partaking in my experiment. Now, onto the main subject. you will fall under my rule. But, it is unlikely you will fall under the rule of someone who has not achieved victory over you. So, I will attack in 4 hours. The attacker will be one of my trusted aides. His name is Cocytus. If you are able to prevail against him, we will leave you. If not.....

Shasuryu: Wait, we give up-

suddenly a purple mist surrounded him and he felt something grab at his throat. The floating figure from above stood leaning down right in front of him. It gave a deep stare as it tightened its grip on his neck.

???: Shutup. He's speaking right now.

In that moment it was gone and his throat felt loose again.

Ains: Giving up is not a option. we will return in 4 hours. Be ready.

The monster of Ains Ooal Gown turned to leave as Zaryusu spoke.

Zaryusu: Wait! Will the water return to normal?

Ains: Hm? Oh I just didn't want to dirty myself with your muddy water. It should thaw out in time.

A portal appeared behind Ains Ooal Gown. he turned and walked through it. One by one they left. Each giving there last words.

Mist figure: Good luck, you'll need it.....

Woman: Goodbye, Lizardmen.

Elf boy: Seeya!

Young girl: Well, I guess this is goodbye.

Elf girl: Ah, well, please take care!

Purple ball: I bid you farewell.

Shiny creature: You probability of surviving is- well, it does not matter.

Demiurge: [ You are free to move]. Do try to enjoy yourselves, lizardmen.

The brothers sat in shock.


Zenberu: well? Whats next?

The chieftains gathered in a war tent in the home village.

Shasuryu: We must gather all of the warriors.

Zaryusu: May I ask it just be the five of us?

all: hm?

Zaryusu: If it is to demonstrate there power, its better to be just us to go this fight.

Chieftan: A sound argument.

Zaenberu: I agree!

Shasuryu: Then that is what we will do.

Crusch: Hold on! I'm going to fight to!

Shasuryu:... Zaryusu, you convince her.

The others left the tent.

Zaryusu: Crusch, please understand.

Crusch: I can't understand! There's a chance we may lose! besides, we may need my priest powers!

Zenberu: I don't want the female I love to die.

She seemed shock, but she blushed. She gave him a hug.

Crusch: That's not fair....

They hugged for a long moment in silence. Finaly, one spoke.

Crusch: Zaryusu....

Zarysu: what is it?

Crusch: Impregnate me!

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