Part 18: Troubling Matters

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King Pov.......

Ramposa: He didn't ask for anything....

The King paused as he left the room.

Gazef: Your Majesty?

Ramposa: That man, Sir Specter, he deserves some kind of reward, yes?

Gazef: He seemed honorable not asking for anything.

Ramposa: yes.......

He seemed deep n thought for a moment. He turned to Gazef

Ramposa: Tell me, what rank was that adventurer?

Gazef: I believe Silver. Though, i'm not quite sure....

Ramposa: Hm, it seems a warrior of his level shouldnt be that low...... Gazelf, may I ask you to speak to the adventurers guild about this matter?

He bowed.

Gazef: Of course. But your power is limited when it comes to the guild.....

Ramposa seemed focused. He furrowed his brows as he thought.

Ramposa: Yes, try to push for a high rank, that warrior is strong. Maybe even stronger then Blue Rose.......

The king wondered as we walked away deeper into the castle. Gazef trailed behind him.


Sonus Pov....

Well, that went better then expected.

We sat at a table at the inns main hall. Me, Delta, Nocmore, and Clair sat around the table. Clair drank a drink she ordered, while Nocmore and Delta sat patiently at the table. I looked down at the drink in front of me. It was just water, but it made me wonder


I slowly removed my helmet and looked into my reflection. It was just like Delta had told me, Short white hair and blue eyes. I looked pretty young to.

Clair: Sir Specter, why did you hide your face until now?

She still didn't know anything. All she needed to know was we were strong.

Specter: I'm not sure, a force of habit maybe.

Clair: hm.

she went back to drinking whatever she had as I sighed. I had to give a report to Ains soon, but when would be right?

Nocmore: My Lord.

Specter: Remember, just Specter is fine.

Nocmore: Right. Sir Specter, The way the childish human spoke to you at the meeting irradiated me.

Is he talking about that prince?

Specter: Oh? How so?

Nocmore: A great strategist like you could probably see it, he tried to manipulate you. Teasing you with money and greed. Pathetic. If you had ordered I would have eliminated him!

He started to speak louder the longer he spoke. The innkeeper looked at us from behind the bar curiously.

A adventure threatening death jaws probably not unusual. But, one of our caliber against the prince.....

I quickly motioned for him to quiet down. He seemed worried as he realized he was yelling and stopped speaking.

Nocmore: My apologies, I spoke out of tone.....

He was total manipulating me and I didn't even realize it! I gotta pay more attention to people....

Specter: Its no matter. Besides, he could never manipulate me.

Nocmorre: I didn't mean, O-of course he-

Specter: I understood your words. Its fine.

That prince.....he's a crafty guy. He might be useful. I guess I should finally call Ains and report.

I put my helmet back on and stood. I looked to Delta. Then at Noc and Clair. Clair seemed the most confused.

I pulled out a small bag from inside my pocket in my armor. I tossed it to Clair.

Specter: I have some buisness I must attend. Here is some Spending money, go upgrade your gear.

Her eyes grew wide as she opened the big. A huge smile spread across her face.

Clair: Alright! Thank you! Do you need anything?

Specter: I'm fine.

As if on cue she ran for the door. Noc turned to try and tell her to wait, but was to slow. He looked back to me, waiting.

Specter: Go and make sure shes alright.

He gave a big sigh and started to walk after her. I looked back at delta.

Specter: Alright, lets call home.


I entered my room in the inn. Everything was fine. Nothing changed. For some reason, I had a nagging feeling someone would have looked around.

I entered and was immediately drawn to the windowsill. Perched there was Vor. The bird waited patiently for me. How long had it been there?

I forgot to give it a command..... woops.

I walked into the room. Delta closed the door behind me.As soon as I reached for my helmet and slowly started to take it off, the mist of my true form started to sap through.  I set the mask gently on the bed. Vor flew to my shoulder swiftly as soon as I set it down.

I realized people could probably see me through the window. Thankfully, outside was just a back alley. But just in case....


I cast a spell on the hole in the wall. Anyone who looked into our room would just see a empty space.

Now. Time to call Ains and tell him how amazing everything is turning out.

It had been a while since I had contacted anyone from Nazarcik. Delta was doing regular check-ins, and I thought I saw Nocmore talking to someone a while ago.


I waited for Ains to pick up. What should I tell him first? My plan to learn and explore? Or maybe about the Royal families interest in me?

I heard the connect sound suddenly.

Sonus: Ah, Ains I have alot to tell you about-

Ains: Sonus?! Are you okay?!

I was thrown back by what he said. 

Sonus: why wouldn't I be?

Ains: Good, I need you to return to the tomb as soon as you can. 

Were we under attack?! Did he find a player?! 

Sonus: why?! Whats happened?!

Ains: I was just informed by Albedo that Shalltear has started a Rebellion.

She.... She WHAT?!?!?!

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