Chapter 6- My Time To Shine

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I flew close to the ground as a cloud of gas with incredible speed. I left the town of Carne in moments, heading west. I heard a large enemy force gathered there, and I wanted a challenge. I had never fought in this new world before, it was time I actually did.

The area quickly changed from calm, gentle fields to a rough grassy, plain. I continued to fly, my hood over my body, close to the ground.  This feeling... I had never experienced it in YGGDRASIL.

I suddenly came to a stop. In the grassy field in front of me me were, at the least, forty men. All wore the same armor. It was a robe like unifrom. The only difference was all there heads were covered in a leather mask. There complete armor set was white with hints of gray and blue.

I flew into the grass and stayed low to the ground to watch there movements. They whispered to one another in the field. I could hear some of there words thanks to my gasly form.

My form could do many things. For example, I could close in the air around me, turning my body into a substance that looked human. The only thing that would look different was I would look purple, like a corpse. I could also break down my body into a million or more tiny pockets of air if needed.  In a way, that made me immortal. If my main body was destroyed, all I need to do is let a tiny piece go. I could regenerate, but it would take a while.

The men continued to speak in whispers as I listened. It was mostly stupid things like " Can't wait to be done!" or " I wonder how the families doing...?" But one caught my attention. The man who spoke looked the same as the other, yet a giant blue mark ran down his helmet. I think it was to show his leadership over the others.

Armored man: So, the convoy headed home is on its way? Perfect,once its safely by, we can attack the village.

I smiled.

There making this to easy.

I could easily take these men out and take the convoy for Nazarick. If it had anything good, of course.  I pondered the idea for a moment. Suddenly, the man quickly moved into a position. I looked over to them and saw they had formed a protective barrier of sorts. I saw men at the front of the group casting a spell of sorts. The ground behind them changed into a gravel road. The woods behind the field opened up suddenly. A wagon came into view. It had to be the Caravan. It had two armed guards on each side as it moved down the gravel.

So, thats how there going to do it.

I quickly moved closer to the men. It was time to strike.


Captain Mell Grafen watched as his men lined up on each side of the newly formed road to guard the caravan. He wasn't to happy to be put on watch duty, but Captains in the Slane Theocracy wern't very appreciated.

Gafran wore metal armor and had no mask. He was old. His hair was starting to turn gray and he had a long beard. He was of the warrior class. There were very few like him in the army.

Grafen: I should be higher.....

He muttered to himself. This was his eigth year serving loyally. It had been two years since his last promotion. What was the council waiting for? When he became higher up, he could by a mansion, even slaves! He could have anything or anyone he wanted.....

The captain started to daydream. One of his men ran up to him and snapped him out of it quickly.

Soldier: Captain! The Caravan is coming through now!

The Caravan came into view from the woods. Two brown wagons were placed on each side of the main wagon Caravan. They all were guided by two horses each. While the two guard wagons were smaller, they were just as important.

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