Chapter 4- Same Old Bar

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The bar was silent. It had many tables set up in case it ever became packed. The main color throughout the walls was purple. Black stone pillars took up each corner of the room. One set of stone doors were open at the entrance. The bartender focused all his attention on the one person in the bar. Sonus sat at the counter motionless. His robe was now fully covering his back. He stared quietly at the drink in his hand.


They really called it Nazarick?

I stared at the drink in my hand. It was in a glass usually used for wine. The drink was a purple color.

Sous-chef: Is something wrong, Lord Sonus?

I snapped out of my thought and looked at the creature that spoke to him. It was the NPC assigned to the bar. His name was Sous chef. He was a mushroom man. While he wore a butler style suit, his hands were root like tentacles. His head best resembled a dark pink mushroom with red spots all across its surface.

Sonus: No, its's nothing.

I slid the drink back onto the counter. I really didn't need to eat to survive anymore. But, if I really wanted to, I could drink and eat. As soon as they came into contact within my body, they would evaporate.

That's what I learned from my time in the bar so far. Its was weird with the drinks turning into apart of me, but it was weirder to see the food go right through my body. All foods and drinks didn't have a taste anymore.

Sous chef: Is there anything you need, master? Can I serve you another drink?

Sonus: No, I will wait for Shalltear to arrive.

I had summoned Shalltear after appearing in the bar. While here, I had a lot of time to think. I wondered if Shalltears powers remained the same from before. My powers were in some ways like hers. I also wanted to check her loyalty to him. I really wanted to check all the guardians, but one at a time was best.

As if on cue, the presence of someone else appeared coming from the doors. I turned to see Shalltear walk in. She still wore her dress from before and she still held her umbrella. She walked over to where I sat and knelled before me.

Shalltear: Thankyou for calling on me, Lord Sonus.

Sonus: Thankyou for arriving so fast Shalltear. I have a few questions to ask you.

Shalltear: Of course master.

I looked down at her and felt extremely uncomfortable. It was awkward talking to someone while they knelled to you, let alone a girl.

Sonus: Please sit next to me. I wish to speak to you on a level perspective.

Shalltear: Of course, master!

She quickly took the seat next to me. I turned to the bartender and moved my hand, motioning for drinks. Sous chef bowed and quickly started to grab refreshments.

Sonus: Shalltear, have your powers changed since we arrived in this foreign land?

Shalltear: No, my lord. They seem to have stayed the same.

Sonus:.....would you mind summoning a shadow for me?

Shalltear: Of course, my lord.

Shalltear moved her hand across the counter. In seconds, a small, black rat appeared on the counter. Its eyes were bright red.

My powers should be the same as hers in some ways. So if I.......

I touched the rats back. The small rodent shuddered at first, then slowly turned into a purple cloud of mist. It flew directly into my body.

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