Chapter 5- Carne Village

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I entered through the portal right after Momonga. I looked around to see a lush forest. We were somewhere outside of the town. Probably somewhere Momonga planned.

We walked out quietly. First Momonga then Me. We stood in a small open field on the middle of the forest. As we exited the portal, I saw Momonga standing in silence. He was looking down at something.

I moved to his right trying to try to get a glimpse of what he saw.

As I moved to his side, I saw two knights in shining white armor. The each held a greatsword in there hands. The knights looked down at two humans, one little girl and one woman. The woman stared at me. She was stunned with fear.

One of the knights turned around to see what she saw. As he looked back, The knight shook as well. The other soon looked back and froze to. They were all stunned with fear.

Momonga held out his hand and casted a spell.

Momonga: [Grasp heart]

One of the knights clenched his chest. He dropped his sword and fell to the ground. The other knight looked down at his fallen friend.

Momonga: I was thinking of running away if my favorite undead skill, a 9th tier spell didn't work on humans.

The other knight started to back up in fear.

Knight: Monsters?!

Momonga chuckled as he spoke.

Momonga: I don't feel anything, even when I kill people. I guess both physicaly and mentaly, i've stopped being human. What about you, Sonus?

Sonus: ...... as do I.

At first, Momonga worried me internally. But, as he spoke, I slowly realized the same was for me. He killed that man in cold blood, and I didn't even think about it.

Meanwhile, the other Knight started to back up even more. He had started to get extremely scared. Since Momonga had his turn, I thought it was mine.

Sonus: Mind if I give my power a try?

Momonga: Very well.

I grabbed my scythe from my back and in a flash I flew right past him.

I put my scythe back on my back and looked at the knight. At first, he didnt move. Then suddenly he collapsed. Blood spilled from his stomach.

Sonus: He couldnt even handle a basic attack?

He couldn't be higher then level 20 if he died that easily......

Momonga looked at the Knight dead next to him and casted another spell.

Momonga: [Summon: Death Knight]

The knight on the ground shook. In seconds, a black tar like ooze surrounded the knights body. It made the knight grow and grow until it was as tall as the trees. The ooze merged into the body, slowly revealing a skeleton wearing a knights armor. A huge undead sword in one hand.

If thats what Momonga's magic can do......

I pondered what the exent of my Magic was capable of. Hopefully I would get to find out soon.

Momonga: Death knight, kill the knights attacking the village.

The knight roared in response to its masters words and charged off towards the town. Momonga looked puzzled but quickly covered from that.

Huh, in YGGDRASIL, summons usually only protect the summoner, not commands.

Just then, I felt a prescience coming from behind us. I turned back to the portal to see a warrior in Black armor. It was Albedo in her battle gear.

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