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The night sky glistened brightly over the dessert. A lone cave entrance lay next to a village. Tents of all shapes and sizes were placed awkwardly around the area. A figure walked out from a tent. they wore a strange mask, it looked native. They wore a cloak and held a torch in there hand.

The figure walked across the camp to the cave. They entered, and traversed into the deep parts of the cave. The journey into the deepest depths was quiet, and the whole time, torches lined the walls. At the end, a huge room emerged. this part of the cave was easily the largest of all the camp. It easily fit the whole camp inside.

The figure walked forward to The deepest part of the cave.  As the figure got closer, the entire room seemed to have a air of royalty. Torches stood from wooden planks digging into the ground. A clothe covered the floor. A throne sat in the middle of the room. Above that, a mural of what appeared to be a monster and its shadow was spread across the wall.

The first thing that could be noticed was the huge, scaly body that appeared from around the throne. Its scales glistened from the light of the torches. Soon, A figure could be seen sat on a throne. Behind them seemed to be the rest of there home, but it was blocked by the massive creatures body behind them.

As the visitor stood there, guards appeared from a unknown place. Both stood opposite of each other next to the throne. They worse the same attire as him, yet they're masks were blank. Lifeless.

The visitor knelled and the person on the throne looked down at them. The person on the throne looked young, and had short, dark blue hair. Her eyes were yellow with a hint of black in her pupil. She wore a blue robe. She stroked the creatures scales as it rested next to her.

Visitor: Priestess, the power we sensed to the east is gone. It seems whatever it was has been silenced.


Visitor: Our prayers will continue as scheduled?

Priest: yes, I will also commune with the great one to stop your worrying.

The visitor, who had in fact been worried, now looked at ease. Even the guards seemed to be more happy.

Visitor: Thankyou. I think all of us will be a ease knowing The great one will protect us.

Priest: Of course. No one can match the Great One.

The beast Next to her shook.

Priest: yes, your time will come as well.

She smiled and closed her eyes.

Priest: we will forever be safe as long as we serve.

Visitor: it is as you say, lady Cordelia.

The person left the room soon after.

and, since her meeting was over, there was no need for her guards at the moment. The guards gave her space and left as well.

She was now alone with her divine beast.

She made sure no one was around, eyeing the room, then, when the coast was clear, she let out a sigh.

Cordelia: Why must the followers be so bothersome? I can't stand any of them.

She continues to pet her monster, as if on instinct.

Cordelia: they worry to much. No one can defeat a god, let alone ours.

She looked up at the ceiling of the cave.

Cordelia; though, I do wonder about the rumors east. About the new power....... meh, it doesn't involve me.

She looked down at her pet and smiled. It looked back at her with a intent look.

Cordelia: enough boring talk. Now, let's give you a snack!

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