Chapter 7- The First Of Many

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I opened the doors and stood in confusion. I found a  large group of people in chains. They had all hid there eyes as the doors opened. These people were slaves

As I saw there faces, I realized I was in my Shadow form.

I immediately turned into a gas and fell to the floor to hide my true form from them.

Those were not the resources I had wanted.

What was that? They had to be slaves. They had pointy ears though...... Think. What would Momonga do? He was smart, how could I use this?

I came up with a idea. I moved to the side of the wagon and sucked in my mist. I started hiding it all under my robe. My robe covered my face and body, but I looked human still. I️ turned my face into the most human thing I️ could muster. My cloud turned into a gray/ purple skin like substance. My eyes were under the robe, but my mouth was now visible.

My Scythe disappeared as I️ summoned a lower tier item. It was a wooden staff.

I decided the best course of action was to free these people and let them spread the name of Ains Oal Gown. I was pretty sure that's what Momonga would have wanted.

I walked back over to the wagons doors. The people inside looked around in confusion. They seemed shocked to see me. The only thing visible under my hood was my fake smile.

Sonus: Hello. You are free. I have taken care of the men responsible for capturing you.

I expected them to smile but they stayed exactly the same. The people inside did not move. They looked at me, worried. 

What did I do Wrong?! Maybe I said something wrong.....

Sonus: I have saved you. You are free.

It was really hard to keep the smile. These people looked at me with puzzled looks.  I stepped out of the way so they could see the outside. At first no one moved. But, eventually a person grabbed the end of the wagon and pulled themselves out. The person had been siting in the back of the wagon, so I had not paid attention to them.

The person stepped out of the wagon. It was not human. It had to be a demihuman. Its had scales all across its body. Its face was like a lizards. The only clothing it wore was a horribly torn piece of cloth. The cloth acted as a hood for the demihuman. As the creature looked out at the sky, I got a better look at its face. Scars were all across its cheeks. A giant, red mark blocked its eye. It looked like a stab wound. The figure turned to me and chuckled.

Lizardman: I expected you to either run or try to kill me by now. What is your name?

The Lizardmans voice was rough and old. He also sounded out of breath. I really wondered what they did to him in there. The others came out of the wagon soon after him. The rest were demihumans as well, Elves to be exact. They all were skinny, I saw about six. Four boys and two girls. While one of the boys and one of the girls looked young, I knew they had to be at least 70. That's how elves age worked. I thought of Aura and Mare.

The elves wore clothes. But, just like the Lizardmen, they were torn and worn out. If I were human, I would have felt awkward seeing them. But, as a Gas form, I felt nothing. I continued to put on my fake smile.

Sonus: My name is Sonus, one of the servants of Ains Oal Gown. You are free now.

None of them moved. Even the Lizardman didn't budge.

Sonus: You may return to your homes now......

All of the them looked sad. The younger elves started to tear up while the older ones tried to hide there emotions. The lizardman looked away, a angry look on his face.

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