V2 Chapter 10- Stolen

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That night, Nocmore returned to the inn and waited for the others to return. He waited patiently on the bed, contemplating what had transpired with Sebas that day.

The people who had visited him had wanted two humans. They had called out Nocmore as well. This somewhat confused him.

The door opened suddenly as Specter and the others soon entered. Specter noticed Nocmore waiting on a bed. He asked for a report on Sebas.

Nocmore: All is well. Sebas has encountered no major problems. The only difficulties are being dealt with.

Specter: Very well. I have to run an errand at the guild hall. Remain here for now. good work today.

With that, as soon as he entered he left. Delta followed behind him. Grace was about to follow when she was stopped by Nocmore.

Nocmore: Wait, Girl.

She entered the room, a bit annoyed how she was going to have to catch up to Specter and Del now.

Nocmore: You are a slave?

She froze.

Grace: I......

Nocmore: You have caused us trouble.

Grace: I....

Nocmore: You are a runaway?

Grace: I am! I'm sorry for not saying so before!

She bowed her head. He gave a deep sigh. He assumed the very few mentions of her life before the Capital was a lie as well.

Nocmore: Your gear, is it stolen?

Grace: No. I paid for it all. I worked to earn my money. I wanted to earn more money and become an adventurer....

Nocmore: If the lord realized.......

He paused for a moment.

Nocmore: I will handle this. Do not speak of this to anyone. Your secret is safe with me.

Grace: You.... you would lie for me....?

Nocmore: Not a lie, it is not important to Master Specter. I am simply-

She cut him off and gave him a hug. Though, she only reached to maybe the top of his legs.

Grace: Thank you.

Nocmore: I... er... Yes. Now, hurry along to Lord Specter. I was asked to watch the inn and I shall.

Grace: Alright. Thank you so much again!

He nodded and she ran out the door to catch up. Nocmore sat back down on the bed and thought in the silence of what to do next.


After a short while, Specter and Del returned. vor cawed loudly as they entered.

Nocmore was confused when he saw only those two.

Nocmore: Where is Grace?

Sonus: Ah, the girl? I thought she was with us... maybe she's back at the adventurer hall?

Del: Mhm. Most likely.

The worst idea came to Nocmore's mind as he realized what could have happened. If Sonus found out she was missing....

Nocmore: She most likely went out shopping, as she liked to do that while you two were gone. If you wish, I shall go look for her?

Sonus: Hm, very well.

His lord stopped talking as he received a [message] and spoke to himself.

Sonus: Ah, Ains? What seems to be the problem?..... Mhm..... yes..... I see......... very well..... we shall search as well.

He hung up.

Sonus: It seems a girl who Sebas was with has gone missing. She apparently has been taken somewhere by the organization "Eight Fingers". We shall search. Nocmore, go look for the girl and report if anything has happened.

Nocmore: Understood.

He left the room and walked down the stairs leading to the inn's main hall. Grace was most definitely in trouble, but to handle this without telling lord Sonus....

Sebas: Nocmore.

Sebas called him, he quickly responded.

Nocmore: Yes? What has happened?

Sebas: Tuare has been taken and I have been sent a message as to her location. It also states your name. They took the young girl you know as well.

He stopped.

Nocmore: Where is she?

Sebas: Let us meet to discuss this. perhaps by the mansion. But, hurry.

He stormed out of the inn and towards the location. As he walked, he decided to call Sonus.


Sonus Pov.....

As I listened to the call from Nocmore I got annoyed.

Specter: Why would they take her?

Nocmore: Money, most likely. Lord Sebas says he may know her location, may I head there with him?

Specter: yes, and make it quick to rescue her.

Nocmore: Of course! 

I hung up and walked out of the room with Delta.  She seemed to just follow, which I was okay with.

I guess I better look around for her to......

I walked down the stairs to the main lobby. A city guard burst through the entrance just as I had reached the bottom.

He looked in a panic and tired. He frantically looked around until he saw me. Quickly, he ran towards me.

Guard: Specter of team ruin?! The Princess has called for you!

Oh, you have got to be-

Specter: Very well. we shall head off now. 

Guard: Of course! Follow me!

he quickly ran out the door and I followed. 

Why do I never get even a second to rest?

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