Chapter 17- Royalty For Regulars

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I gulped as we walked the halls of the castle towards the throne room. This was my first time meeting anyone of note in this world, in fact, it was my first time seeing anyone of even upper class status. It both excited me and worried me.

What if he doesn't like me? Well, I can always kill him, but that's a bit... drastic.

The closer to the throne room we got, the more I could feel the guards who walked with us eyeing me down. My fears started to rise again about blending in. The spell was [Disguise] right? Would it be random, or a unique design? 

I continued to mutter [Disguise] for the walk. Delta didn't seem to mind, nor did Nocmore. Grace seemed creeped out, but I tried my best to quiet down and ignore her glances.

We entered the throne room a lot sooner then I suspected. The castle looked a lot bigger on the outside.

In the center of the room was obviously, a throne. It was nothing special, but it looked shiny. A man sat in the throne. He was old with a beard and a crown, obviously the king. To his side were two men, both with blonde hair. They were very fancy clothes. A beautiful girl stood next to them. Her hair was blonde as well and she wore a beautiful dress.

The the kings opposite side stood a man who looked familiar. He wore bulky knight armor. His sword was in its holster at his side. He had black hair and a smile.

That's the knight From Carne Village! What was his name?

King: I thank you for coming such short notice.

Well, he didn't give us much of a choice. 

The guards around us knelled. Grace went down as well. I felt like I missed the moment and stood still. 

King: Ah, Stand. Now is the time for celebration! Wouldn't you say, Gazef?

He turned to the man next to him. Gazef! That was his name. 

Gazef gently smiled back.

Gazef: Of course. These adventurers not only saved the city, but many lives. 

King: Indeed. But i'm getting ahead of myself. My people tell me you are new to the city yes? Introductions should be in order. I am this cities ruler. Lord Ramposa the third. To my side are my three children. Prince Barbro, prince Zanac, and my daughter, princess Renner.

The three of them gave small gestures to us.  They resembled each other well. You could definitely tell they were siblings.

Ramposa: to my other side is my most trusted knight, Gazef stronoff.

Unlike the small smiles of the others, Gazef bowed to us.

Ramposa: Now, Please allow us to see our heroes face as we hear his name.

Crap! Okay, [Disguise], [Disguise], [Disguise]!

I slowly reached for my helmet. I grabbed each side slowly and lifted my mask.

If they scream, I fight.

I removed my mask and held it at my side. I expected a scream, but they stood calm. That obviously meant the spell had worked.

I felt my tension fade a little. Just as I felt a second of peace, I heard Ramposa speak.

Ramposa: Thank you, brave soul for protecting my kingdom. If there is anything I can ever do for you, please speak to me.

Barbro: Father, I believe you told me of a feast?

Ramposa: Ah yes. In celebration, please allow me to invite you. But, I worry the people may not be safe. Maybe another night?

Gazef: As you wish your majesty.

What would I want from the king? Nothing for now..... but maybe Ains will need something later.....

Specter: Thank you your majesty.

My voice seemed a lot less muffled. It seemed almost.... human.

Ramposa: Its the least I can do. Now, I believe that is all I needed to speak to you about. The guards can show you the way out.

The king stood as the guards walked towards me. We slowly stood as well, one by one. I turned towards the doors.

Well, that was fast....

???: Ah, just a moment please.

Prince Barbro walked towards me. He had his same smile, or I guess grim he had on before.

Barbro: Just as my father said, I am thankful for you saving those people. I hope in the future if we need to count on you, you will arrive?


Specter: I suppose.

Barbro smiled even more.

Barbro: Ah thankyou. Of course in the future I will make it more worth your while.

He turned and walked off back towards the throne. His brother and sister seemed to be talking as he returned. His sister, princess Renner, saw me looking and gave a small smile and a wave. I looked away quickly. 

 With that conversation done, We left the room.


we walked behind the two guards guiding us down the hall, I realized I still held my mask in my hand. 

I turned to Delta. In all the commotion, I forgot what my face looked like.

I leaned over and whispered to her.

Specter: Hey Del, tell me, how do I look with the disguise?

She looked up to me as we walked. 

Delta: Nice. But not as amazing as your regular form, lord.

Specter: No, I meant my facial features! How do I look?

Delta: Short White hair, Blue eyes, Same height, and male.

Specter: I hoped I would be male.....

With that description I had a rough Idea of how I looked. From the sound of it, I sounded hopeful and looked like a true hero.



Noc sighed as he stood up and turned to follow his lord. Delta had just left the room. In all honesty, he had almost fallen asleep. That human bored him.

Not enough fighting.....

He brushed off the thought and turned towards the wooden throne room doors. As he looked away, he noticed the human girl who had accompanied them. He didn't care for her name. 

She was still bowing towards the throne.

Runts never seen royalty before. Pitiful. 

As he stepped away, she still remained kneeling. He sighed. 

Noc: Get up.

Clair: ...... His majesty.....

Noc grunted. He moved one of his arms out of his cloak and smacked her head.

Clair: Hey! What was that for?!

She looked around the room and slowly realized.

Noc: Were done here. Move.

Clair quickly stood, embarrassed. 

Clair:... Thanks.

she quickly walked off into the hall. Nocmore Sighed. Why did he do that? Because his master ordered him to watch over her. So, he would. 

Noc: I hate kids.

He moved his hand back into his robe and walked out of the room after the others.

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