Chapter 14- The Witch

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Author update:

Hey, Minor thing, i'm going back and adding pictures to certain chapters. If you wanna go check, go ahead! Also, this is going to be a thing from now on.

Oh, another thing. Most of the pics will be from off the internet or wherever I find them ( Because I can't draw, trust me, its ugly) So if you notice anything that seems familiar, that's because its the closest representation to what I could find.

Btw, this is a pretty long chapter, sorry about that!

Alright, thanks for listening to me, sorry its kinda long, on with the story!


We left the city of Re- Estize for our bounty fairly easily. Since we were now adventurers, it was much easier to leave.

We journeyed West of Re-Estize, to the forest. I wasn't sure of the named of it.

Our group walked with team Lasso in front, My team ruin in the middle, and team Unity in the back.

We entered the forest through the easiest entrance. It had a nice trail of gravel leading into the woods.The trees were alive and were flourishing. even the flowers were happy and bright. It added a very positive vibe to the whole scene.

These woods cant be that bad.....

As we moved deeper into the woods, it slowly got more and more depressing. The tress started to die and a fog started to roam the area.

Our walk had started happy, but now it was becoming oddly dreadful.

I could see the others be scared. But my team were calm. This whole thing didn't affect us.

Jason: something doesn't feel right. Why haven't we encountered any undead? It specialized in undead, right?

He was right, nothing yet. But that didn't mean the forest was unguarded....

As if on que, the bushes started to shake next to us. I turned to see two red eyes peeking out from behind the trees. As I looked at them, they got closer. Soon a hand grabbed hold of the tree next to the path.

The hand was old and skeletal. I saw rotting skin fall off as its hand came into view.

As its whole body came into view, I slowly realized. It was a zombie. It had full plate of metal knight armor. Its eyes were bright red under the helmet.

Vera: [healing rift]!

A magic circle appeared below us. Vera summoned healing, though it was only 2nd tier magic.

Jason: Alright, week show you guys how to do it!

His little remark annoyed me a little, but I was mostly unfazed. Same with Delta. Noc on the other hand, I could tell he was annoyed.

Jason brought out a sword out of nowhere. It looked dented, probably weak from battle. Gan ran at the knight, his fist out and ready.

He smashed into the undead knights side. The knight showed no reaction. It looked like it even caught Gan himself off guard.

The Knight grabbed onto him and tossed him a distance away. I saw Nera run to his side and start to heal him.

Jason charged at the zombie. Seeing this, The monster grabbed hold of a nearby tree and pulled it out of the ground. He was using a tree as a sword.

Jason was determined to fight, I could tell. There two swords clashed. While Jason put a dent in the monsters weapon, The beast easily threw him back.

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