Chapter 16- The Peoples New Hero

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City of Re-Estize, West wall, Night.......

The city's of Re-Estize's walls were huge. They stood tall and proud. Not once in any guards history had they seen this wall fall. It became a symbol of the city. And for the people.

A guard walked the top of the wall. He wore the regular armor of the military. His spear was dull in his hand.

He stared out at the lands outside the city. He was tired, starting to fall on his spear out of sleep deprivation. This job was tiring, no one ever tried to attack in his whole life on this wall. So he didn't worry.

Other guards walked by on patrol. The guard sighed as he tried to stay awake. It was getting time for his shift to end. Then he could sleep, he couldn't wait.

As he started to close his eyes again, he noticed a light in the distance. He opened his eyes and focused on the light. It was red. As he watched the light, it grew. Then, the light split into two.

His eyes grew wide as he realized what was coming. He turned back and screamed up at the guard towers. The alarms started to blare as the monster came into view.

A giant skeletal bird flew in there direction. It neared the wall and the guards instantly ducked for cover. It screeched as it flew overhead.

guards ran everywhere to grab weapons. Archers aimed there arrows upward towards the sky, waiting for the bird to strike.

Swiftly, it flew back at the wall. Its hollow feet were now aimed at the brick.
It came crashing at the wall, destroying a tower in the process. The wall started to crumble only slightly. The monster jumped off the tower as it fell into the city below.

The guards looked up at the monster with fear. Nothing had ever attacked them like this. They tried to surround the bird, but it was massive. It towered over them. It had to be as big as the wall itself. It looked down at the men, eyeing them one by one.

Then it turned towards the city. Its bright red eyes turned brighter as it saw the people below. It screeched  loudly. Some people tried to cover there ears.

The bird knocked guards off the wall as it spread its wings out to fly. Immediately it took flight.

As it started to move higher and higher into the sky, the beast turned. It flew directly down into the city below.

The bird came crashing down on a building near the wall. People ran in all different directions screaming as the bird stomped around, damaging as much as it could.

The building started to go aflame just as a group adventurers showed up. They looked at the monster ready to fight. It ignored them, treating them as any other citizens.

The adventurers were shocked and angered. The man in the front was the most furious. He reached for his sword at his waist. Ashe was going to strike, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned back to see a warrior in purple armor standing there. Behind him a woman and another in armor stood. A child in robes was behind them.

???: We shall take care of this monster.

The four of them started to walk by the group. They all walked without a hint of fear. Well, the child shook as they walked, but that was besides the point.

The adventurer stood, stunned. He was a mythril ranked adventurer, he didn't need to take this. especially once he realized there rank

Adventurer: What? Your only silver! Its a death wish to go alone!

The four of them stopped in there tracks. The purple armored one spoke.

???: Well be fine.

The adventurer smirked. Its there death wish.

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