V2 Chapter 13-The Final Battle Of The Disturbance

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Okay, sorry for another long chapter. I've decided at season finales and other important parts the chapters will be longer. Sorry! Now, lets get back into it! Hope you enjoy this part!

The expedition into Hell had begun.

Specter walked with the other adventurers into the flaming wall. Luckily, it was fake and there was no real fire. As they entered they realized the people were gone. Probably taken by the demons.

Specter stood at the front of the adventurers' group with Del. Vor sat on his shoulder. He looked out into the city for any sign of attack. The other searched the nearby houses looking for any survivors.

Specter sensed the movement of a creature above and on instinct pulled out his bow.

It had many enchantments and was very strong. It instantly killed the demon that flew above. Its body fell to the ground with a thud, making some adventurers shake with fear, but were in awe at his power.

Lakyus and Tina quickly moved up to where he and Del stood. In the distance, a monster could be seen moving forward. All shapes and sizes of beasts moved towards them.

Lakyus: Get ready! Here they come!

A horde of undead dogs rushed at the warriors. Most were shot before they could get close thanks to Specter and Del. But, the horde of dogs started to disperse quickly as a huge green monster with faces across its body approached.

Specter aimed his bow, ready to fire at the monster, but stopped and looked up to what was coming down behind it.

From above, three figures came crashing to the ground. One sliced through the monster in seconds. Of course, it was the hero Momon.

Momon: Now, push forward while you can!

The three-person team of Momon, Nabe, and Evileye pushed deep in, their path was covered from behind, blocking them.

More hordes of undead piled into the passage where they ran. The undead charged forward to Specter. He quickly eliminated them.

As he tried to follow Momon even a little, a huge Overeating, the same type of monster Momon had just killed, pushed a building down, blocking the path for good.

It charged at him. In a hurry since it was close, he charged at it, pulling out a small Dagger. when he got close, he jumped up to the monster eye, stabbing it. It screamed as he backed up, aiming his bow.

Vor flew overhead, directly flying through the monster making it fall and die.

He turned back to see his the warriors behind him couldn't last much longer. The enemy had attacked there back and front. While he kept the front at bay, the back was completely overrun. He turned around, running to fight those monsters when they were killed.

From behind those monster next to the wall of fire, people ran into the fray. It was the capitals soldiers.

The army charged to help the adventurers. They moved in a formation, sticking to each other's sides. In the middle, the king and a few of his strongest men, including Gazef rode on horses.

Lakyus: Why is Lord Stronoff here when he is supposed to be guarding the castle?!

The king moved forward, his expression was like a stone warrior, motionless. Gazef spoke for him.

Gazef: His Majesty says, "You don't protect the castle, you protect me! And I must protect my people!" Now, charge!

The soldiers rushed forward to help the battle. From behind them, two familiar faces appeared.

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