V2 chapter 1-While You Were Gone

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Sous-Chef cleaned a glass at the bar in Nazarick. The man wore a clean, slick suit. But on the inside, the "man" was more of a mushroom. Red spores spread across his surface and he had Root-like features for hands.

Sous-Chef: you should really stop, I don't think alcohol affects you Miss Bloodfallen.

Shalltear, who had been hear for some time, was sprawled our across the counter. She gave a heavy sigh at Sous's remark.

Luckily, the bar was empty expect for her. So Sous-Chef had no need to worry about how other guests would feel about her, or how she acted.

Shalltear: It's not fair...... I let my lords down..... how could I do that? It's to much of a sin to live with...... BARTENDER, ANOTHER!

Sous, who continued to clean the glass, reached under the counter and gave her another drink.

Sous: it is getting quite late, shouldn't you return to your floors soon?

He could immediately tell he said something wrong.

Shalltear: Floors? They were my floors, but, thanks to my failure, that stupid machine has taken control of the second! And he has his spies set all over the place-

As if on cue, A Small, drone like creature walked into the bar. It was small and silver. One singular eye poked out of it's hard shell. It was red, and seemed focused.

It entered the bar and crawled up the wall of the counter. Once it reached the top, it turned to face Sous.


Sous sighed.

Sous: just not on the tables. Maybe a corner?


It jumped on the counter and crawled to the nearest wall corner. It climbed up the wall until it hit the ceiling, then burrowed in. Suddenly, it vanished, out of view.

Shalltear: He's everywhere now, can I go anywhere to escape my failure? No. I can't, I need punishment...... why didn't hey punish me?

She continued to talk to herself as Sous cleaned a glass.

One of The Royal "butlers" of Nazarick walked in next. In his hand he held the leader of there group, Eclair.  His name was longer, but Sous simplified it to that.

Eclair was, in the simplest of terms, a penguin with a huge monobrow. He resembled a butler very well with his natural body. 

Along with Eclair, only a few people in the tomb were truly friends with Sous- Chef. Mostly non-humans as well.

Eclair was set down in the seat next to Shalltear. He seemed in a good mood.

Eclair: Sous! And lady Shaltear as well! How are we?

Eclair saw Shalltears dead and drunken expression. He waved a fin at Sous, motioning for a drink.

Once again, Sous learned under the counter and made a drink. He set it down in front of Eclair.

Being the gentle-penguin he was, he pushed the drink to Shalltear as a gift. Sadly, he wasn't quite strong enough to push it, and it fell over making a mess on the counter.

Sous-Chef was tired of everything today.

He grabbed a clothe and started to clean the counter.

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