Chapter 19: Disagreements

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A while later......

I floated down the halls of the great tomb quickly. I was in a deep thought as I made my way to the throne room to meet with Ains. Everything I had done in the city was nothing compared to what was happening right now. Shalltear had gone rouge.

My first thought was "why?". She didn't gain anything from it. And i'm sure Peroroncino didn't design her to do this. 

When was the last time I saw her? It was before I left. When I saw her, I was in a hurry to leave and explore. I remember her saying "Goodbye, My lord!" in her usual excited voice. Her love still creeped me out, so I had tried to be distant.....

I shouldn't treat her like that. From now on, i'll treat all the NPC's the same.

I pushed the thought to the side as I rounded the corner to the doors of the throne room.

As I entered, I saw Ains and Albedo. While Albedo seemed furious, Ains was in his thinking pose. They stood in front of the throne. They saw me enter and turned to me.

Ains: Good your here.

Sonus: whats the situation like?

Albedo: My Lord, It seems Shalltear is in a mind control state. For a floor guardian to have been brainwashed is-

Ains: What she means to say is, We just tried to speak with her. My super tier spell [Shooting Star] had no effect.

Sonus: That means it has to be brainwash or mind control.

Ains: Yes.

We stood in silence for a moment. All of us were thinking.

Sonus: why was I not told sooner?

Albedo: I believed the master of Nazarick should know first. My apologies, Supreme one!

She bowed towards me.

How she says it makes sense, but it doesn't feel right. 

Again, that's not important right now. What matters is Shalltear. She was brainwashed. There was no way to cure her. We would have to fight.

With her best gear, she was by far stronger then me and Ains physically. Though, our magic is stronger. She was basically a raid boss when she was fully equipped. This wouldn't be easy to pull off.

Ains: Albedo. Go get Yuri Alpha and meet us in the treasury.

Yuri Alpha was the head maid at the moment. I wondered why we would bring her to the treasury. Unless.....

Ains: Sonus, i'll meet you there.

He vanished in a instant. To get to the treasury, you needed the ring of Ains Ooal Gown. Inside it were our most powerful weapons and gear.

I realized I was still in the room with Albedo. 

 I quickly followed his lead and teleported to the treasury.


Me and Ains waited for Albedo and Alpha. In front of us were two huge metal doors. Ains stood silently. He was thinking of something. 

I finally broke the silence and tried to start a conversation.

Sonus: Ains, were going to have to kill her, aren't we?


The conversation fell flat. He didn't want to admit it. Neither did I. This was one of Peroroncino's NPC's. It didn't feel right to me at all.

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