V2 Chapter 7- Return to the Kingdom

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The Kingdom of Re-Estize were lit dimly as the day went on. The day went on as usual in the city.

Nocmore wondered the streets with the young Human Grace. His masters bird, Vor, sat on his shoulder. Both him and the bird silently followed Grace. She was happy, yet bored.

Nocmore wore his Robe with his Adamanite adventurer necklace.

He was given four of these Necklaces by the guild. One for him, Lord Sonus, Delta, and Grace. He and Grace had there's, while he was not aware that his master had known about them yet. He tried to call, but was told to wait. That was a while ago..... he was extremely out of the loop.

Grace wore her signature hat with her blue robes. her staff had been upgraded, now it was a smaller, stronger, golden staff. She had her Adamanite necklace around her neck and she was proud.

Nocmore's master had instructed him to watch over the girl in his absence. he had been dong that, but the girl always wanted to do something. Either a adventure, to train, or even to shop. It wore out the executioner at times.

Grace: So! What are going today?

Noc: Wait in the inn.

Grace: That's all you ever want to do! What about go on a quest?

Noc: No.

Grace: train?

Noc: No.

Grace: we can go shopping for more equipment!

Another shopping day hurt him internally.

Noc: We will train.

Grace, Excited, ran forward. Nocmore sighed and followed.  After a small while of running, They eventually found a alleyway and decided to train there.

Grace: So, what spell?

Noc: Try the one I taught you.

She nodded and aimed her staff. Focusing, she whispered.

Grace: [Ace shot]!

A small, light shot forward and hit the wall, leaving not even a dent or sign of weakness on the wall.

Noc: Weak. try again.

She fired again, and still it was to small.

Noc: again.

She fired countless more times until she was to tired to continue. She fell to the floor and was out of breath.

Noc: Continue training on your own. When the spell is strong, you will be to.

He wasn't instructed to teach her anything, but he had to protect her as instructed and this was one way.

Someone connected to him with the [Message] spell. he focused and listened in.

???: Nocmore.

Caught off guard at the voice of his master, he slightly panicked.

Noc: LORD SO- er, Lord Specter.

Sonus: yes, you are in the open I presume? I will be returning soon. we must discuss the plan with the city moving forward.

Noc: Understood.

Sonus: Also, have you met up with Sebas in the city yet? we shall be seeing him soon.

Noc: Not yet. I shall await your return.

Sonus: I will see you soon.

He hung up. Nocmore was excited. After so long, he would have a use again.

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