Chapter 15- Reactions to Decisions

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Sorry for the wait, we're back now! Gonna be long breaks between updates to make the halters even better! Well, here we go!

I was silent as I stared out the window of my room in the inn. Vor pecked at my helmet on the table next to me.I sat in a wooden chair and looked out at the alleyway. I was thinking about everything that had transpired the night before.

We had successfully ranked up our team, that was a great accomplishment already. 

We also got a new team member. Grace the mage. But I was starting to regret my decision. Maybe having a human on the team was a little.... drastic. Thankfully, she wasn't living with us.

Maybe we can get rid of her. It doesn't faze me to much....

The other major thing that happened was we killed a powerful monster. Now that I think about it, the monster was probably a demon. It was good to get rid of it, even if it was worshiping Ains.

Ains..... I need to contact him.....

It was about time I contacted Ains and told him about everything. At this point, I think he would want to know whats going on.

I stood. Quickly I started to mutter the spell. Delta and Nocmore, who had been sitting on the beds this entire time, approached me.

Delta: What do you need lor-

I quickly shooed both of them away. I was trying to wait for Ains to pick up. I saw them look at each other confused, but Delta got the idea and grabbed Nocmore by the antler and left the room.

I waited almost happily for Ains, my eyes drifted around the room. I saw Vor, still pecking the wall, and I also saw how the room was in perfect shape. The others really worked to hard.

I waited for Ains to respond as I muttered the spell. excluding the pecking from time to time, it was quiet.

The after a few moments, I got a response.

Ains: Yes?

I froze a little, his voice sounded the same. It had only been a little while, but it felt like it had been so much longer.

Play it cool....

Sonus: Ains, how have you been?

Ains: Everything is fine on my end. How has your mission been going?

In truth, it had been confusing. But I couldn't let him know that. Instead I quickly and calmly explained everything to him as best I could. I tried to go into detail on the witch the most.

I excluded one part about the human girl Grace. As I was about to tell him, I froze up. I'm not sure why. But I decided it was best to tell him in person.

As I finished my debriefing, he went silent. He was probably thinking about all I had told him.

Ains: I see. The Witch is... unsettling.We will have to look into this. Do you think she was another player?

The idea hadn't even crossed my mind. There was no way it was.

Specter: No. It was to far insane and obsessed with, well..... You.

Ains: I uh, understand.

I didn't mean for it to come out like that, but I continued the conversation.

Specter: What about you? How goes your journey?

Ains: Yes, I'm fine. Currently, I am on a adventure with another group. Were picking herbs near Carne Village.

Specter: Ah, that place. Its close to the tomb, huh?

Ains: Indeed. Anything else?

I could tell Ains wanted to get going and I didn't want to be a bother.

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