Chapter 10- Re-Estize

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The City of Re-Estize was massive. Stone paved streets were everywhere. Lamppost were placed at every corner. I was almost in awe as I entered through the cities gates, almost.

So, this is the capital.

This capital was one of the strongest human powers that Nazarick knew about. This cities power compared to us was weak as far as I could tell. The people still seemed safe though.

We had just entered the city through..... "Magic" and were now on a street corner, deciding what to do next.....

Maybe we should-

Just as I said this, I saw the human girl we met on our trip here, Grace. she bowed to me as thanks for getting her into the city. It caught me off guard, but I kept my cool.

Specter: Where will you go now?

She looked up at me. I could tell she was determined.

Grace: To the adventurers guild! I have to become a adventurer!

That satisfied my interest. I truly felt nothing.

Specter: Very well. goodbye then.

Delta and I turned away.  I wanted to ask around for the location of the guild, but the people didn't seem to excited about talking to me. I turned to Vor. He was staring at me intently this whole time on my shoulder.

I guess there a reason I summoned you.....

Specter: Go, find the guild.

The bird cawed loudly. Instantly it flew into the air. I saw the bird take off and fly high into the sky.

While he was doing that, we needed to take up our time. It would take him a while to find the guild. What are our other priorities?

???: Um..... Mr. Specter?

I turned around to see the girl Grace. She hadn't left to find the guild yet. It would be best for us to split up now.

Grace: Um, I was wondering......

She seemed to be embarrassed. Her cheeks were red and she grabbed onto her robes intensely.

She quickly bowed to me again. This time, it caught me off guard for real and I back up a little.

Grace: Its nothing.... I hope we meet again!

She ran off in the opposite direction of us.

Strange girl.....

I dropped the thought and turned to Delta. She looked calm and tired.

Specter: Delta, what do you think our first goal should be?

Delta: Whatever you desire, Lord.

Not the response I wanted. Some of the NPC's in Nazarick didn't really have any emotions. Delta was part machine, so it was kind of normal for her.

Spectre: No, what do you believe?

She paused for a moment, as if processing. Then she spoke.

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